6. Confused

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-Y/n's pov-

The Amortentia has been lingering in my head, why did I smell those things? Why do I have a feeling it has a connection with Bellatrix and Narcissa

I then stumble against Harry 'woah, Y/n are you okay?' he asks 'y-yes I am okay' I say to him and he looks at me 'you look like you've seen a ghost' he says 'I-I am fine Harry' I say and look forward.

I quickly grab my head as there is a ringing, I close my eyes and see a long table, the room is dark and someone is talking, his voice is faint but I can hear it, I don't hear what he's saying. 

'Y/N!' I hear people in the distance, I open my eyes and see that I am on the ground, I look up, Hermione, then the table, someone hanging above it, then again Hermione 

'I-I...' I ramble, I don't know what to do, my breathing is unsteady, my vision is hazy, it feels like my voice is gone, I look up at Hermione before my eyes close...


I open my eyes and it's dark, I sit up and look around but that was a wrong move, a headache bursts in 'oh my god...' I mutter and lean back, I realise that I am in the Hospital wing

I get up slowly, getting out of the bed, I wobble a bit but manage to steady myself onto the wall, I grab my wand. I slowly walk away from the bed, no one is in the Hospital wing. 

I leave the Hospital wing and see that it's night, I sigh as I change my clothes to some other clothes. I start to walk towards my common room 'lumos' I say as I arrive at a dark corridor. 

Suddenly I feel a presence 'nox' I whisper and I look around, a dark figure is walking towards me 'mrs. Potter' I hear Snape's voice 'professor' I say 'what are you doing out of bed, you are supposed to be in the Hospital wing' he says 

'I know, but I feel fine so I was on my way to my common room' I say 'no. You aren't discharged so walk with me' he says and I sigh, I turn around and walk with him back towards the Hospital wing

'I feel fine, why do I need to stay here?' I ask as he motions for me to get back to my bed 'because I say so' he says in a cold voice 'but sir...' I start, he shakes his head 'I still have a question' I say and he looks at me

We walk towards my spot and I sit down on the bed, he sits down on the chair 'what is your question' he asks 'well, I had potions this morning and I smelled five things, while the others smelled only three, why is that?' I ask 'what did you smell?' he asks 

'uhm, first I smelled cinnamon and flowers, but then fire, rain and blood' I say, his eyes widen slightly 

'what could it be?' I add 'uhm, nothing, don't worry about that!' he says and stands up 'now get some sleep, you'll need it' he says and I nod, he leaves and I turn around, falling asleep. 


'so we saw a memory of him, talking to you-know-who, when he was just a kid?' I say to Harry as we walk out of Dumbledore's office. 

I got discharged and quickly changed into some other clothes, the second I came into our common room Harry came towards me, asked me if I was okay and told me we had to go to Dumbledore. 

'yeah, scary. But we need to focus, the tryouts are this evening' he says and I nod 'you're the captain' he says and I take a deep breath in 'yes I am' I say and look at him 'Ginny and I will support you' he adds and I smile 

'thanks' I say and we walk to our common room. We quickly change into our quidditch outfits and get our broomsticks, Ron and Hermione go with us, Ron is going to tryout for a keeper. 

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now