28. Training

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-Y/n's pov-

I get blasted back 'not fair!' I shout at Nate, I keep laying on the ground, he's training with me but it's not fair, he knows how to use his powers and I don't

'you keep doing it wrong, that is why your attacks don't affect me' he says, helping me up 'look' he shows me a move and once he pushes his right hand away from his chest

A large, strong power source leaves his hand, coming against a tree, making it wobble 'Woah' I mutter 'now you' he says, I stand as he learned me and I focus on the tree.

I do the move he just did and once I push my right hand away from my chest, a source leaves my hand, reaching the tree, but not affecting it

'you're not putting weight into it, it's almost as if you're not trying he says 'I am trying' I say frustrated 'well, try again' he says

I do it a few times but the power source isn't just enough, I start to get more and more frustrated.

I push my hand away from my chest with a lot of power and now a large, strong power source leaves my hand, I could feel the power. I hit the tree and the tree falls onto the ground

'I-uh, yeah' Nate says, not sure what words he can use 'amazing!' he says and I laugh. 'yeah, really amazing!' I hear my mother's voice 'thank you, mom' I say

'no problem, baby' she says and kisses the top of my head, she does the same with Nate. 'so, how good are you with combat?' Nate then asks

'good I say with a smirk 'really?' he asks 'no, I'm just joking, I am okay with it' I say and he nods

'well, there is always a chance that somehow your powers don't work, so you need to know combat' he says 'okay' I say and he nods 'like punches, kicks, turns, twists' he explains and I nod in understanding where he's going.

'let's see what you've got' he says and I nod.

3' we both say '2' silence '1!' and we launch at each other, we dodge and attack and it goes pretty even. I see an open spot and I jump in the air.

I am about to hit him but Nate grabs my ankle and throws me against the floor, causing me to groan

I quickly jump up and launch at Nate, who falls backward but still manages to flip me over, he straddles my waist, pinning both my wrists

'touché, Morningstar' I say and he laughs, getting off of me 'not so bad of you either, Aurora' he says, helping me up 'thanks!' I say and he laughs.

I suddenly get a weird feeling, as if someone is watching me. I look around, I look at the windows, the trees, and the doors but no one is watching us

'what is wrong?' Nate asks 'I just got a weird feeling' I tell him and he nods 'let's get some lunch' he then says and I nod in agreement

'I am hungry as hell' I say and he laughs. We get to the kitchen and there our chefs are, they're already making lunch.

We sit down and the head chef walks over to us 'do you two want lunch?' he asks 'of course!' Nate says excitingly and I laugh at him.


'hey princess' I hear in my ear, I startle and turn around, it's Jade 'oh, hey' I say and start walking away, but I get pulled back 'don't go yet' she purrs in my ear, wrapping one of her arms around me

'uh, Jade, as far as I know, is that I have two girlfriends and I don't cheat so would you let go of me' I say and I look at her, but she looks mad

'I've seen those girlfriends of yours, they're too old (sorry) for you, just look at Indy and me, we're young, you're beautiful, amazing, and talented, we like you' she says

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now