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We all were stunned by seeing that cave . We all were just looking out the some of the books which were near to us , the books had tons of knowledge which gave a very detailed explanation on a particular topic.

We all were seeing different books just than we heard the sound of the dragon getting awake , while he was looking somewhere else we all quickly and quietly kept the books on its place and immediately ran outside the cave so that we could not fall in danger . My friends were going to speak but I said " keep quiet first let's get out of here , once we reach home we can peacefully can talk about it." All of them agreed and we immediately went back to our jeeps and went towards our home .

10 minutes later we reached our home . Sis , kavya , vanshika and dhwani went inside the house while I , daksh and jal took out all the luggage from the jeeps . After few minutes of all of us having some water , my all friends started to worry a lot and were talking about the cave , I didn't stop them from speaking as this situation was very creepy for all of us . Sis said " I now really think that we are in a much big trouble , how are we going to complete our mission for which came here!! , The person from the school authority should have been here to help us at the moment when we are so close to suc-. *Notification sound * .

I opened the chat , and to our suprise it was the person from the school authority , the text said " Hello everyone , hope you all are doing well , I know you all might be worrying a lot at the moment but no need to do so I am coming to the city tomorrow , you all did a great job I really appreciate your support and one more thing now you all have to finish a final task about which I will tell you when I come , till than bye and take care."

Now there was a complete silence between all of us . After a moment sis said " does this person have ability to read our minds ?!?! Like he literally is telling us to stop worrying ." I said " calm down sis this is not the right moment to get angry , look for the positive side we our now just left with a final task and than we can go back home after such a long period of time.

Now let's get some rest and wait for tomorrow and let's hope for the best . Just when we all were going to sleep I got a call from jaivil and what he told me was getting all of us more worried ........

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