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The message said : Your mission begins the address your friend gave to Jal is of a secret cave in the mysterious Henus city which has all the secrets of the world and the complete knowledge of the world which can make anyone the most powerful person on the world and Henus city secures the cave of knowledge . You have to get into the cave because we are not stealing it but it's important for one more purpose which is important than these things too.

Go with Jal to the address given and make sure to take Fury and keep him safe.. We were very confused that what was the purpose of going to the cave if we don't have to steal anything . But we still were hoping for the best . The next day we were completely ready to go to the place but we had to make sure no one catches us . Just than I said to sis ''Fury is looking a little bit scared I don't know why but he hasn't ever been so scared , he is always brave". Sis said "don't worry he might be scared from yesterday's situation he will be okay soon ". I too thought about it and just got relaxed .

We were about to go , I was standing outside with my other friends and Fury just than Vanshika fainted . Sis called me and my friends immediately . I asked Jal that is there any doctor here . He replied we have robo doctor I can call him immediately here. I said you should do it fast .

I immediately ran inside just than after couple of minutes the robo doctor came and checked her and he said that she is okay no need to worry . I went inside her room along with others I asked her how did you faint . Vanshika said "I saw something like a dark shadow with dark blue shining eyes it was coming closer and closer just than Sumedha came and I fainted by seeing the weird shadow ".

I was tensed, Fury too saw something like this too but don't know who it is . It is someone who might be a trouble for us . I told to everyone that you all should go as we have to know about the cave I , Fury and sis can stay with Vanshika .

I too asked Jal that can we get some robo police on all the four corners of the house to make sure everything is okay. They all went and robo police came after couple of minutes. Sis made some snacks for Vanshika and I was texting the situation to the person from the school authority .

I was going to Vanshika's room to see whether she was feeling better or not . Just than I saw Fury barking to a News showed on the T.V . I immediately raised the volume of it and what I saw and heard was extremely shocking .....

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