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We all started getting worried what the danger might be . But we all thought to think about that later and thought to enjoy for some days and just relax .

We all packed up our bags for a 5 day long camping  in the beautiful  nature of the city. Jal bought us 2 new jeeps which were  amazing for things like this . We all got in to the jeeps and went to the mountains of Henus which were completely filled with beauty , animals and cool environment . We all were singing and vibing together , after many days we all felt that relief from all of these works .

The night was falling and we finally arrived at a beautiful place to spend our amazing 5 days . We all started to unload the things and started to make tents in which 2 people can comfortably sleep.  I , Jal and daksh went in the woods and got some pieces of wood to lit up a camp fire .

We all sat together and I lit the camp fire with my power . We all were laughing , singing , talking and were eating some marshmallows. Soon it was midnight and some of us started to feel sleepy so I said " let's call this a night will go to the forest tomorrow morning for exploring the nature and clicking some photos . Good night!!".

Everyone slept , I wasn't feeling sleepy so I came out of the tent and sat to place where I could see the beautiful moon and get some cool breeze .

I was just having a flashback how my life had been in past few months , I came to unknown city with my friends , was solving the mysteries , got new power etc. But I too was Missing my home but now we were  very close to our goal . " What are you doing here Dhyey ?? " Kavya asked from back . She came and sat besides me . I said " nothing just enjoying the environment . "But why are you awake ?? ". Kavya said " I am not feeling sleepy so thought to just take some fresh air outside ". 

"How beautiful the place is , the bright shining moon and stars , fireflies moving around , cool breeze , everything here is just awesome " I said . " Yeah , it definitely is a great place , look a shooting star , quick wish something . We both closed our eyes , held our hands and made a wish .

I bought a cup of hot chocolate for her and me . And we were just admiring the place again and again . Soon we went back to our tents and went to sleep . The next morning we all went near the forest and saw different species of animals which were completely different from the world we lived in . We took many photographs of the animals and the amazing moments with each other . Soon the days passed by and we all were going back to our home in the city and now again we had to get back on the mystery.

It was stormy night when we were on our way back home . It was raining and thundering very heavily so we thought to take a shelter in a near by place . We found a enormous cave and went in to get a shelter for the night .

I lit up some of the candles and to our shock the cave wasn't an ordinary cave it was the cave of knowledge which was the main reason for us coming to the Henus city .

We identified it as the cave of knowledge due to the reason that in  the center of the cave there was a glowing book which was guarded by a huge dragon and surrounding it were thousands and thousands of books which had different important informations , secrets , mysteries  and tons of amazing knowledge . And what happened next was crazy for all of us......

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