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*Alarm rings* GOOD MORNING WORLD . I am the author of the novel and I am just going through a normal day in my life . I woke up at 8:00 in the morning for school . I did my morning routines and went down for breakfast . My mom made special pancakes for me and my dad.

I was packing my things for school while my dad was reading a newspaper and my mom was in the kitchen . I had my breakfast and took some snacks to feed my pet Fury . Fury got really excited when I bought his favourite snacks . After feeding him I went on my way to school . It was just a normal day like what it was everyday . I met many of my neighbours on the way .

After walking for about 10 minutes I reached my school. I met my friends while going to the class , although we all were in the same class . At 9:00 our classes started . It was kind of like a very boring class because I hate maths then too I survived the classes before the recess .

When the bell for recess rang me and all my friends ran out of the class and set together and had our snacks and we talked a lot!!. Soon after half an hour the recess came to an end and we got back to our class. It was our class teacher's lecture and she asked me if I could go to the principals office and handout our I'd card forms to the principal, I agreed and went to the office but I thought let's just take a round around the school , like it would be fun , after roaming around I then went to the principals office.

As I was on my way to the office the teacher on the reception desk  of our school asked me the reason to go to the principal's office. I replied politely that I wanted to go to the principals office as I wanted to give him the I'd card forms of our class. She nodded  and let me in .

As I went in , along with our principal I saw a another person who was dressed in an awesome blacked suit, he was kind of a person whom I had never seen in school before . I heard the conversation between the man and our principal .

After hearing the conversation I was speach less . I after 2 minutes knocked the door and got in and then I gave our principal the I'd card forms of our class . He said thank you and I bowed to him and went back to my class but what I heard in the office was something very mysterious.....

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