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We Returned with excitement . And we told all the things happened with us to jal . He was completely shocked . And we talked a lot . Just than Jal said " while you were away the person from the school authority messaged us that there are 2 more of your friends coming to help us . He also said be alert from now onwards. And your friends will be coming in 5 days ". I said " great after many days will get a good company with great wit of my 2 friends " .

We all had dinner together and than we went to sleep . The days passed by and there was now one day left for my friends to come. But I got extremely sick on that day , I had extremely high fever and body ache. Sis got me some ice packs to keep on my head but the ice packs melted in a moment .

Jal went to get me some traditional old medicines of the city . I was feeling like I would turn into a ash within a short period of time . It was midnight when jal came home with my 2 friends they were Daksh and Dhwani !!. I was happy to see them but I was in a lot of pain and all of them looked very sad seeing me suffer . I took the medicine and it gave me a bit of relief .

But within few mins I turned into a phoniex and was turned into ash . My friends were completely amazed at the moment they didn't knew what to do . But the power of phoniex is that they can come to life from there own ash. And I came to life and turned into the same phoniex which I was before.

We all were sitting and explaining Daksh and Dhwani about the situation . While talking vanshika accidentally turned on the T.V . She was going to switch it off just than Daksh said hold on! , Look there's a familiar guy standing . We all looked on the T.V .

It was an interview going on of the new secretary of the head of Henus. And to our shock it was Prashil!!. That guy has always been mysterious to me . He is a very quite guy but with an excellent mind . And he looked as patient as I saw him last time at my home .  Jaivil was sitting next to him . But on the back the guy wearing the black suit which has always been a big mystery was behaving very odd he was in a hurry or something . And than in between the electricity went out .

I lit the candles with my fire power . Sis blew us some powerful wind with her wings of raven . Especially Daksh and Dhwani were shocked a lot!! With our powers and we all were laughing and talking. Just than Kavya's eyes turned into snakes eye she said "I feel a great danger coming towards us." But we all don't know what the danger was..........

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