𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬

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"Okay how about we play truth or dare?" Maybel suggested as I took a bite of popcorn. It is now 8pm, and we decided to play some games before bedtime. Dinner was great. Mother and Father weren't home so it was just us. I was informed that they were going on a business trip for a week, so they gave me permission to use the villa. I didn't care much.

"Sure. Sounds fun." I chimed in.

"Okay who goes first? No wait, I wanna go first." Maybel says.

"Okay then. Maybel, truth or dare?"


I look at Emma with a smirk and see her mirroring me.

"How do you feel about Sam?" Maybel looked taken aback by the question and looked flustered. Emma and I smile at each other in victory knowing what happened in her mind.

"U-uhm.. she's a very nice friend and trustworthy. Fun to be around." She kept it short and simple while trying to get herself together, obviously failing.

"Sureeee. Anyway, who's next?" I ask. They both look at me and I began to get nervous.

"Fineee." I groan. Suddenly I don't want to play anymore.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare! Make it something fun." I exclaim, wanting to get this over with.

"Recite at least 25 digits of pi." Maybel asked and rolled her eyes seeing my bored expression.

"Oh come on! That's not fun at all! What is this? Highschool?" I pouted, annoyed at the dare. Why would you even do that. Though, I did get something good out of this. Emma giggled from my side and patted my head like I was a puppy. I must say, I really like that... So soothing and nice. I must look like an idiot right now, heat rising up to my neck and I feel warm all of a sudden.

"I know it's boring, but I bet you can't recite 40!" Emma cheekily decided to challenge me. I never back down from a challenge. With some confidence, I enumerated.

"3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679...''

"Alright alright we get it! You're smart! Now Emma, truth or dare?" Maybel said cutting me off as Emma smiled widely at me as if proud. It made a warm fuzzy feeling bubble up near my heart.

"Truth." She says getting comfortable in her bed.

"Okay, what is the hardest subject for you?"

"Definitely biomedical science."

"Oohh I get you!" Maybel exclaimed taking a huge bite of a chocolate bar.

"I'm boooredddd." I dragged on, yawning.

"Okay Drea, what can we possibly do that is fun in the middle of the night." Maybel asks, sarcasm clear as day.

"Ohhh I wanna bake! Or play in the music room- no, wait that's too loud.. we could play bored games? Oh I don't have any.." I jumbled through words in my head hoping to have some kind of an idea.

"I know, we should make a plan for the trip." Emma's sweet voice caught both of our attention.

"A plan? That could work.."
Maybel voiced out shrugging.

The more I think about it the more fun it becomes in my head.

"Great! Then this will start with you, Dre. What is the first thing we need to do?" Emma says pointing at me.

"Well, when we arrive which will be a four hour trip, of course we need to unpack. There are plenty of rooms but I suggest we stay in the biggest guest room together. Like another sleep over! But of course in the noon we head out to find a good spot for our tents, there is one surrounded by trees or one near the river. We don't have to worry about it raining because it's fairly close to the villa. I don't know a lot about camping so that might be a problem. Also, did y'all bring tents?"

"...no." The both of them looked guilty. I just laugh at their expression but I was happy that they were thoroughly listening.

"That's okay. We have extras in the basement. Ohh what if we all share a tent? We have quite a big one- Emma are you fine with this?" I hurriedly look at her, worried she'd be uncomfortable with the sudden plans.

"I-" she was however, cut off by Maybel. I sent a mini glare at her as she gave me an apologetic look.

"I prefer to be in my own tent, y'all can share the big one. You know how I am when sleeping." She chuckles referring to that one time she kicked me off the bed when she slept over.

"I'm fine with that." Emma says followed by a yawn. My heart beats a little faster with the idea of us sharing a tent.

"Okay, sleep time!" I tiredly exclaim. We each tucked ourselves in as we said our goodnights and entered the land of dreams.

𝐀/𝐍: Hey... It's been a month.. don't worry I still have plans for this book, but beware of the painfully slow updates.
Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, and tell me what you think!
-B :)

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