𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞?

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"Oh my god. OH MY GOD. YOU WENT ON A DATE AND DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME?!" Maybel screamed too loudly for my liking.

"IT WASN'T A DATE." I retorted, clearly annoyed as I drank my Caramel Vanilla Milk tea. We were currently at a cafè, as soon as Maybel found out about this "date", she practically dragged me here and forced the information out of me.



"Fineee. But seriously, what did y'all talk about?"

"Ugh the normal things, y'know", I rolled my eyes.  I did not want to have this conversation with her knowing how she'll amplify it.

"No I in fact don't so SPILL!"
I went on to tell her about our conversation the other day. And she was squealing like a squirrel at the end.

"Oh my god. Y'all should just date already!"

"No we won't. She's not even into girls." I muttered the last part.

"Gurll by the way she looks at you, I think not."

"Whatever! And even if she was, why would she even like me? I'm weird. What if she gets to know me behind my facade?" Seeing how gloomy the conversation was getting, she instantly hugs me as my breathing gets slower.

"Dre you are a wonderful person. Everybody knows that, and you're a marvelous inside and out." She whispers in an attempt to calm me down. Fortunately, it works.

"L-let's go home." I weakly mutter. She just nods and we were out.

"Okay students, you need to write an essay about World War II. Be sure to include the effects of the nuclear bomb." The professor announces. I was absolutely excited, my hands already itching to hold a pencil and write my heart out. As we are dismissed, I go to Emma. Naturally.

"Hey Em." She seems quite startled to hear my voice.

"Hey Drea! Oh hey Maybel!" At the sound of her name, Sammy snaps her head to her and smiles brightly. Maybel seems to notice this as well, judging by the pink tint on her face. Smirking, I nudge her towards Sammy.

"They should just date already" I remarked, still smiling.

"I agree. You can clearly sense the tension between those two." Emma's cute voice replied.

"I say we leave them, and go to the cafeteria." Smirking mischievously, I take Emma's soft hand and rushed out of the classroom, our laughter echoes through the halls.

When we arrived, many stares were brought upon us. Getting self conscious, I let go of her hand and divert my gaze to the wall. Oh god are they judging me? Do my pants look weird? Did I brush my hair today? Ooh! There's a butterfly on the wall!

Emma's cold hand touching mine awoke me from my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" She seemed concerned. Why?

"Uh yeah. Let's find out seats." Emma hesitantly followed me, eyes still concerned. Nevertheless, dropped the subject.

"Did you hear about the upcoming trilogy of In The Dark Times?" I quipped.

"Ooh yes! I heard there's an even bigger plotwist!"

"I know! I'm excited to buy it when it comes out!" I exclaimed. Emma seems confused.

"Wait, doesn't it take like- 2 months before it reaches the stores here in the Philippines?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, but my father has connections with other booksellers allowing me to get it early." Emma stares at me in awe.

"Oh! Wanna have a copy? I can tell my dad-"

"Oh no! You don't have to. Just don't spoil anything about it okay?" She jokes as I chuckle.

"It's completely okay. I insist! I'll get you the book this July. Maybe we can have a reading session?" I hopefully proposed, weirdly wanting to spend more time with her.

"R-really?! I'd love to!" I smiled at her adorable outburst. We spoke for what seems like forever, my eyes searching her honey gold ones everytime. I notice how she taps her fingers on the table when getting excited. And how she crinkles her nose when she laughs which I find absolutely adorable. My heart beats faster when she smiles. Wait what?

I shook my strange thoughts away and just enjoyed this moment. She just seemed so real... And I can finally be carefree. I can finally peek out of my facade.

And in this moment, I did. Just a tiny bit.

𝐀/𝐍: Okay I feel guilty asf. I almost didn't update the whole week. And I apologise hehe. I probably will post on weekends, but I'm not making any promises. Hope you enjoyed lol
Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell me what you think!
Bea :D

𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 (𝒈𝒙𝒈) Where stories live. Discover now