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Something's wrong... Or right? Idk but damn those two are suspiciously close...

Not to mention how Drea, DREA is unconsciously opening up to Emma. Like how. She showed Bea to Emma!! I call her childish side Bea because it fits. She never showed that side to anyone except me and him. Not even her own parents! Honestly, I'm getting worried. What if she hurts her? My beloved Bea?! Bea is too precious for mankind! God I'm acting like an overprotective older sister.

But it does make me wonder... What made her open up? Hell it took me months for her to even tell me her favorite color! Yet we've known Emma for not even a month... And she already cuddles with her. She hates physical touch, even with me! Just how much does she like this Emma? Oh god... What if she's taken advantage of? What if her precious broken heart gets shattered once more? I swore to protect her the moment she told me her past.

"Maybelll? Earth to Maybelll" and there she was, waving her hand in front of my face, wearing this goofy smile.

"What??" I asked, confused.

"Let's go to the music room! I've been dying to show you this new song I learned on the piano, and I need a violinist with me!" She said in excitement. I've always loved playing the violin, since I was a child. And I love it even more when we create melody together, playing music is one of our main bond.

"Sure! Let's go then." Emma followed closely behind. Drea giddily sat on the piano and closed her eyes, feeling the keys.

When she pressed them, I recognise the melody... It's her song. The one she sang to me when I was having a breakdown, the one she hums whenever we do homework together. And it is absolutely breathtaking. When she finished, she looks up at me.

"Well? What do you think? It's still in the written stage and I have yet to add a verse, so it's just the chorus." Drea asks.

Not saying a word, I went to grab the violin hanging from the corner wall. Looking at her, she immediately understood and faced the piano once again. Holding the neck of the violin, I feel the familiar strings. Finally adding to the melody, our music created a magnificent harmony. Both of our eyes closed, we feel the music in our veins. When the song ends, the sound of hands clapping snaps us out of our music trance.

"That was so good!! I swear, y'all could be in a band!" Emma praises, wiping a stray tear.

"Oohh Maybel you should see us play!" Drea suddenly quipped. Tilting my head in confusion, she points at Emma.

"The other day we played together and it was awesome! She also knows how to play the piano." Drea explained. Now that got me intrigued. Let's see how they play.

"Wait huh? N-no I'm not good at it though unlike you two-" Emma rambles on cutely. But I cut her off.

"If Drea says you're good, trust me, you are. This girl has advance taste for music." I smirk at Emma, her cheeks flushed.

"Okay." With that, she sat next to Drea on the piano. I took this moment to really observe their interaction and relationship. You might not believe it by the way she can easily read people, but Drea is oblivious to love. Like- I always have to protect her from weirdos that want her attention.

Anyways, their shoulders are touching and a smile on their faces. Drea starts the melody by playing a key. Then Emma followed the verse, as they continue to feel the music created by their fingertips. I noticed how Emma made a few mistakes, but Drea immediately covered them up like it was nothing. They don't look focus or concentrated at all, but they are carefree. Happy, just communicating with the notes, as if their heart was one. I suddenly think, this is the purpose of music. To bring people together.

And at that moment.

I realized that my precious Bea, has finally found love. Love she deserves. Love I will protect no matter what.

𝐀/𝐍: Caught you off guard, didn't I? Hehehe.. I loved writing this pov.
Now we have the captain of the ship 👀
Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell me what you think!
Bea :)

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