𝐈𝐕 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐟

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"A-and he cheated on me the third time already" Sam cried, wiping her nose with a tissue.

And you've been asking for my advice the third time already. I was so close to face palming myself. Internally groaning, I rubbed her back in a circular motion.

"Breathe, follow me" I began to breathe slowly and noticed she was doing the same.

"Now, I told you, he is bad news. He's not the right one for you, heck, he's way out of your league!"

"B-but I love him..." Keep calm Emma, keep calm.

"Yes I understand that, but there is a special person out there waiting for your love, and waiting to give you all their love and attention. You don't deserve this. Please tell me this is the last time you'll come to me for this kind of advice." I slowly explain, the words raw of emotion.

"Okay... You're right. You're... Right." She paused like it finally hit her, "so there is someone out there who will love me!" Abruptly she stands up, feeling fresh.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Confidence filling her eyes again.

"I only did what I thought was right." I smiled.

"Emma... That person is so lucky to have you!"


"Your person! The one for you! The one who's willing to give you all their attention! They sure are lucky that it's you!"
What. I haven't thought about that... Me having a lover? Sounds ridiculous. I don't even crave that. Nor do I want it.

I just laugh it off, and she looks at me weirdly. But doesn't say anything.

Sam has been my bestfriend for years. Sure, she's popular, beautiful, and talented unlike me, but she's the one who always pushes me to risk it all. She gives me confidence, and supports me through all my decisions. But, your image of her is wrong. You might think she's this Queen B, girly, fashionable, but no. She's unexpectedly boyish and gives off gay vibes.  She is half one though, bisexual, and I support her of course. Honestly I don't even know why she chases boys, a lot of girls fawn over her.

"Anyways, are you excited for school?! Because I am! Maybe I'll meet my Special person" she grins and I roll my eyes but laugh.

"You're getting way ahead of yourself y'know?" She fist bumps me, knowing I don't like physical contact.

"Orrrr" unnecessarily dragging the word, "you find your special person" smirking, she laughs as I blush. Why am I even blushing?!

"Nope, no way, in your dreams!" I smack her arm.

Wincing, she rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say Em, whatever you say"


School is starting soon and I'm really nervous... Sam told me to just be myself and do my best, but what if that best is what destroys me and my sister's bond?! Oh dear oh dear... This is not good...

To calm myself down, I started to organize my bookshelf, like I always do when I'm stressed. Anna's not home yet though. But I think that's good.

"Okay.. what should I organize you into next..." I mumble, looking at the alphabetically arranged bookshelf. There are 4 layers, all almost filled with books.

After a while, I decided to organize it in rainbow order. So I started to take all of the books out, arranged them by their color, and dusted the shelf. It's all going well. Properly organized and colorful. I stepped back, admiring the work I did.

Suddenly, I become aware of the wrong shades of green mixed together. Also the blue and purple. No no no, it should be lightest to darkest. How come I didn't notice that?

So, I took out all the blues, greens, and purples. Layed them out and arranged them by their shades. Navy blue to aqua blue. That's better. I put them back in the shelf, more organized than before.

Then I noticed  how the number increased a little. So taking my time, I slowly count them all. First layer has 14 books, second has 12, third has 15, and forth has 9. A total of 50 books. I checked it again, and again. I couldn't help but be bothered by the odd number of layer 4. So, to make them all an even number, I moved one book from layer 3 to layer 4. Now I'm happy.

I look at the time and-

10:07pm. What. Is the clock broken or something? I looked outside the window and darkness. Wow. I then became aware of the room, and Anna is sleeping on her bed. Did I not notice her come in?! And how about dinner? I went outside and saw a plate with food and a note.

Anna kept calling you down but you wouldn't respond. We figured you were busy organizing something again, so we saved this up for ya. Put it in the microwave
-mom :)

Well that explains it.

𝐀/𝐍: wow this might be the longest chapter yet... Not much to say about this chapter but you got a glimpse of Emma's OCD struggles. I'm not an expert, so forgive me if I got any information wrong.
Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell me what you think!

Bea :))

𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 (𝒈𝒙𝒈) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora