Desperate to Finish

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"(F/n)!" Desperately, Lee wished that he could yell out to warn her and she'd hear him. As soon as Anita grabbed the knife and began to get up, he was moving. Anita was too concentrated on (f/n) to pay attention to the creaking his limbs made and to see his movement. It wasn't until he was running that Anita finally averted her eyes towards him. The knife was swung through the air already, but (f/n) had heard the creaking. Before Anita saw him, (f/n) did. That was when she felt something swipe by her.

Pieces of her (h/l) (h/c) fell to the ground, and her (e/c) eyes widened in shock. She couldn't process the attack fully since Anita and the knife weren't near her for long. Hurriedly, Anita backed up, but she ended up hitting the table with the remaining dishes on it. Loudly, she crashed into it. The knife flew from her hand and clanged against the tile away from her.

Dishes broke under her weight, and the table slid back from the amount of force she crashed into it with. Barely, Lee had missed her. He slid against the tile and turned around; his eyes glued to Anita. Due to the table moving, Anita hadn't been able to keep her balance upright, and she slipped onto the tile.

Groaning, she glanced to her hands and was thankful to find none of the broken glass in her skin, but there was glass around her, so she kept note of it. Anita didn't pay attention to the lost knife. Instead, she met Lee's stare, and her light brown optics grew with horror. "W-What ..." she stuttered out and didn't finish her question. Lee remained on the defensive in case she tried to move again. (F/n) finally was regaining movement after her initial surprise at what just happened.

If the situation was different, Anita's next action would've been comical. She pointed to Lee, terrified, and exclaimed, "Y-You ... I ...!" Anita nearly forgot about the glass and pressed her hands into some nearby pieces. Noting her almost mistake, she quickly got back up to her feet. "What the h*ll, (f/n)?!" she shouted and focused on (f/n) now. "Wh-What's g-going on?! What s-sick joke is th-this?!"

Before (f/n) could answer, Lee was moving again. Anita freaked out and backed away more. (F/n) tried to step in, but Lee had grabbed the front of Anita's dress first. He retrieved a glass shard, and Anita screamed, struggling. "Get the f*ck off of me, you freak!" Almost, he struck her with the glass shard, but (f/n) rushed in and grabbed his wrist before he could.

"Lee, no! Remember what we talked about!" Lee's grip stayed on Anita despite (f/n)'s words. Lee did lower the glass shard a bit, though. He was extremely pissed, however. That b*tch could've killed the love of his life, and he severely wanted to plunge something through her flesh and watch her suffer. Oh how he could make her writhe in pain.

"What the f*ck does that mean?!" Anita shouted, her hands gripping Lee's wrist. "And, Lee?! You named this thing?!"

With an icy glare, (f/n) swiftly turned her attention to Anita. "Shut up. Or, do you want him to kill you?" Her tone was ruthless and indicated that she was being completely serious. If Anita ran her mouth too much, there was a chance that Lee still would attack her. Yes, he knew how to keep his composure, but she had a feeling that if he submitted himself completely to anger he might not give two sh*ts in the moment and just kill Anita.

Diverting her focus from Anita, (f/n) stared up to Lee and squeezed his wrist a little. "Lee, don't." His gaze fixated on Anita. "Lee, please. If you kill her, you know the risks. We talked about it." (F/n) stepped closer to him. "Please." Slowly, his hand with the shard relaxed. Glass fell to the ground and broke in two, but he didn't let go of Anita yet.

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