Talk to Restrain

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


What did she think? Oh, she didn't want him anywhere near the property. H*ll, she didn't even want him in Duskriver. But, she had told Anita that she would give him a chance. Frankly, she wished that she hadn't agreed to that. So, she couldn't be happier when the waitress returned right before Kaleb could answer Anita's question. She passed out their drinks, and she almost immediately took a sip of her lime daiquiri. "Do you want to order any food?" the waitress asked as she glanced between them.

"It'll be awhile," Anita answered with a small smile that also showed that she was somewhat nervous. The waitress scanned over them all again before she nodded and headed off, not asking questions, but (f/n) had a feeling that she could sense the tension around the table.

Once the waitress was gone, (f/n) hoped that by some miracle Anita and Kaleb had forgotten about him coming over Café Rose Tea. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case at all. Instead, Kaleb finally replied, "After service probably would be better so that I don't get in the way." (F/n) had the perfect remark in response to that, but she held her tongue for Anita's sake. Honestly, being civil with him was incredibly hard. He glanced over to her. "Will that work?"

Now, he was asking for her approval? Ha! Bad move. "First," (f/n) began as Anita gave her a worried glance, "tell me why you came back to Anita. Why should I trust you?" She crossed her arms and maintained a firm expression on her countenance.

He took a sip of water. Good. Kaleb was nervous. After he set down the glass, he met her gaze directly, and she could see how nervous he was in his optics. "I came back because I realized how much of an a**hole I had been to her." (F/n) let out a bitter chuckle. What an understatement. Happy, she saw that her laugh made him tense more. "And, I missed her. I missed how determined she was to reach her goals too, how kind she was, how she could look past someone's flaws and how loyal she was to those she cared about. I realized that I had f*cked up, and I wanted to see if I could redo things with her." Frankly, she wasn't impressed yet by his words.

Rubbing the back of his head, he smiled over to Anita before he focused back on her. "I know that I was asking a lot when I approached Anita again, but I wanted to try. I realized that she was a major part of my life, and I didn't want to move on from her. I made countless mistakes, and I was a fool for doing so." He sighed apologetically and gave a small smile over to Anita, who smiled back to him. "I admitted to all of my faults, all of the stupid sh*t I put her through and asked for another chance. She," he smiled appreciatively as though he was remembering when he had talked to her those two months ago, "forgave me. She let me back into her life, and I couldn't be happier."

Leaning back on her chair, (f/n) raised a brow and held a stare with him that made her look like a protective sibling. In a way, she was. Anita and she had been friends since ninth grade, and Anita felt like a sister to her. She didn't want some idiot coming back into her life to screw it up. "I promised her that I wouldn't disappoint her again. I told her that I'd be there for her."

"Isn't that convenient." (F/n) didn't relax her expression. "You hurt her, make her cry, because you consider her to be a bother and needy. You didn't have time for her. Yet now that you do, you want a free pass to date her seriously? Just because you're ready, you think that you suddenly can walk back into someone's life and expect everything to be okay, like you never pulled any of that cr*p?" She released a bitter laugh and noticed that Anita was looking more uncomfortable and wanting to pull her aside to speak to her again. Kaleb looked like he might wet his pants. Good. Maybe, it'd teach him some humility. "Well, do you have an answer?"

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