Stroll to Hate

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


 If only service could've lasted longer. Instead, it seemingly flew by. It was a moderately busy service, and she was kept busy by making sure that things ran smoothly as usual. At times, she didn't even have a moment to think about what lay ahead of her, which she was grateful for. But when she checked the clock every now and then, the weight on her shoulders increased. Anita would wink and smirk a few times at her, which caused her to groan internally.

Of course, Scarlett was informed of the date ahead, and that news carried onto the waiting staff. Needless to say none of their words of encouragement and sympathy did her much good. She even asked Hal at one point if he needed help watching his nephew that evening. He only chuckled and shook his head, telling her that she should enjoy her evening and that she didn't have to go on another date if it went bad. If only he knew the whole story, but she couldn't disclose it to him. Otherwise, he might tell Anita. Instead, she had to nod and sigh before returning to work.

Now, though, she was leaning on the kitchen counter. She already had her outfit on for the walk in the park. Her hair was left down, and her wallet was in her right front shorts' pocket. Anita still was getting ready, and (f/n) wished that she could hide in her cardigan and be transported to another world. Lee remained in the spot he usually was in while Anita was in the house. Even if it was too risky to communicate with her presently, he did rest a hand on her right shoulder for comfort, which she appreciated, before he returned to his original position.

His gesture made things a bit more bearable, and she just appreciated being in his presence. Personally, she just wanted to see him before she went off to the park. He knew the truth, and that was comforting on its own. She didn't wait long for Anita, though, and she practically burst into the kitchen. Anita had on a light orange fuzzy pullover, black high-waisted shorts and black flip flops. "Ready?!"

"No," (f/n) answered in a disinterested tone. A slight yelp parted from her lips when Anita suddenly tugged on her arm and ran with her out of the kitchen. "Anita! Slow down!" she cried out, Lee soon disappearing from sight. But, he'd be in the house when she returned.

"Nope! They're probably already there!" she answered back, opening, closing and locking the front door in record time.

"Last time, they were late," (f/n) argued back, but Anita wasn't slowing down. Instead, she held onto (f/n)'s left hand and guided her along the streets and towards the local park in Duskriver.

"Well, they might not be this time," she retorted, smiling back to her friend. For a moment, (f/n) wished to wipe the smile off of Anita's lips. It no longer looked friendly, just deceitful.

"Right." Doubt was clear in (f/n)'s voice, but Anita ignored it, and they soon were approaching the black wrought iron gates that led into the park. "Are we meeting them here? Because, they're not here," (f/n) pointed out as though she had proved Anita wrong.

"No. At the duck pond." Anita smiled and giggled. "We can feed them. And, it'll be nice to sit by the water." As if reading (f/n)'s mind, though, she stopped in her steps and faced her friend. A serious pout fell upon her lips. "No, pushing Tristan into the water."

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