Pool to Shower

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


All four of them had sat on a couple of lounge chairs. Anita and Kaleb shared one while Tristan and (f/n) sat on another. (F/n) wasn't happy with the arrangement, but she only voiced her dislike through a small pout that she forced into a smile when Tristan would rest his hand over hers. Honestly if it wasn't for the root beer, she might've overheated from distaste and frustration. She was surprised that her smile wasn't twitching at points.

While they sat, Kaleb talked about a trip he thought would be fun for all of them. It would be down the road, and (f/n) suspected that Tristan and she wouldn't be a part of it. No, Kaleb probably thought that (f/n) would be long gone and happily attached to Tristan at Fields' Interior Design. So, she listened and nodded her head in interest a couple of times. Not to mention she'd roll her eyes whenever Anita grinned to her and made motions over to Tristan. Regardless, she was happy when it was time to leave. Or at least, she thought she was going to leave.

Finally, she had dried off to a decent amount, thanks to the two towels wrapped around her form, and she had gotten up to go with Anita and Kaleb. Tristan, though, had grabbed her left hand gently and held her back. "Do you mind if I talk to you before we leave?" Oh how she wanted to say no. Instead, she gave him a curious look and nodded. Anita, naturally, giggled while Kaleb simply smiled to Tristan, but (f/n) had a feeling that the smile meant more than it let on.

Waving, Anita soon left, her arms wrapped around Kaleb's left arm. Kaleb waved too, though, less energetically and more casually. Both of them turned their backs on Tristan and (f/n) and left the pool area soon after they grabbed all the pool items Tristan and he had brought. (F/n) retook her seat. "What did you want to talk about?" She raised a brow. "You're making it sound serious."

Despite acting calm outwardly, she was inwardly panicking. Did he somehow figure out she was acting? Or, did he want to move things along quicker? It was hard to keep her heart beating normally, and her hands rested on her knees even though she wished to grip them.

Chuckling, he shook his head. "No, I just wanted to talk to you today without them around." He gave her a knowing look. "You've seen how Anita is. It's nice not having her giving you looks all the time like I can't see them."

Forcefully, she chuckled. Hopefully, it was convincing. And, he didn't seem to notice anything so that was good. She was relieved that it wasn't him finding out her secret, though. That caused her to relax a little bit more, but she naturally kept up her guard too. "So, you did notice those." (F/n) smiled and shook her head. "Yeah, she'll probably always be like that."

"I don't doubt it, but I'm glad that she's making Kaleb happy." (F/n) didn't doubt that either since he was getting what he wanted, and he didn't have to be the one to suffer the negative consequences of it. "Seeing him change made me want to do the same." Uh huh. Well, that was another dose of b*llsh*t for the day.

"Well as long as he keeps his promises to Anita and treats her right this time," (f/n) responded, resting her chin on the palms of her hands. "In the past, it was hard having to watch her go through all of that."

"I imagine," Tristan remarked, sighing, before he smiled to her gratefully. "Thanks for giving him a chance yourself. He does appreciate it." Almost, she tsked, but she resisted the urge. "And, thanks for staying with me too." (F/n) nodded and was tempted to ask him more about his past with Kaleb. See if he slipped up, but if she learned something by accident, Tristan would inform Kaleb. Then, that might ruin the plan Lee and she had.

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