Phone to Purchase

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"Something simple. Talk, text, access to internet." (F/n) shrugged. "I don't need a fancy new model or anything like that. As long as it doesn't take too long to load anything online, it should be fine. I still have the café to manage after all." She glanced up to him and noted that the smile on his lips look a little forced for a split second before it changed into a kind and understanding one. Mentally, she tsked. What an a**.

"Besides, I don't want to spend too much on a new phone. The business is doing well, but there are still bills and loans to pay." (F/n) wouldn't be surprised if Kaleb also had promised Anita that he'd pay off all of the loans if he got to manage café. Sure, she'd like the loans paid off, but she'd also like to keep her job. Then again, her job was going to change regardless now since she'd definitely need a change of scenery once Anita, Kaleb and Tristan were dealt with.

"How about I buy one for you?" he offered, which caused her to pause in her steps. She raised a brow at him, looking caught off guard. "I mean it. I don't mind. Investing in a good device will help you long-term, especially with managing."

Crossing her arms, she remained suspicious. "What's the price?"

"There isn't one." B*llsh*t. Doubt stayed in her optics. "I'm serious." He rested his hands on her shoulders, and she held back the urge to shove them off. "I wouldn't have offered otherwise. Consider it a gift. No strings attached." His hands squeezed her shoulders, and even if Lee's were plastic and lacked warmth, she much preferred them. "I want you to succeed." If he wanted that, he'd have left already.

"I ..." He squeezed her shoulders a little bit harder but not to where it was painful. Still, the action wasn't comforting. Sighing a little, she nodded. "Okay, very well," she surrendered, which earned her a smile from him. How lovely. After this whole ordeal was over, she was going to get rid of that phone.

Happy that she agreed, Tristan took her hand in his again and led her down the sidewalks until they reached the desired store. He held open the door for her, and she went under his arm and glanced around. There were other electronics besides phones, such as tablets and laptops. Numerous accessories were around the place too. "Let me know if you both need help with anything," offered the store clerk behind the register.

"Actually, I wanted to know what phone you'd recommend for managing a business." The store clerk nodded and walked out from behind the counter. (F/n) was hoping that Tristan would deny help since it might take longer, but if the clerk offered a bunch of additions to a plan, that might add some time. "She needs something highly efficient."

Averting his green eyes to (f/n), the clerk smiled and nodded. "Is there anything else you prefer?" His brown hair was combed back nicely, and he wore a dark blue polo tucked into beige pants. Black work shoes were on his feet, and he had a brown belt on too. The logo of the store Swift Electronics was on the upper left side of his polo. Honestly, she was surprised that he didn't throw on any sales pitches to his question, and she hoped that he wouldn't get them out of the store too quickly. Otherwise, the hotel would be approaching her a lot faster than she desired.

"Well, what plans do you offer for those phones?" He nodded and led them both over to where the more expensive phones were. She cringed a little at the prices. Each was about six hundred. Tristan placed a hand on her right shoulder. (F/n) didn't like his hand on her, but she was glad that she wasn't paying for any of those.

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