Quiet to Loud

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Service that day had a steady stream of customers, and it itself wasn't bad at all. The problem was Anita. (F/n) had given her a death glare right before service started, and Anita assumed that it only was about the pool. But, it was so much more than that; however, (f/n) knew that Anita wouldn't understand completely and that she'd be able to get away with the genuine look of dislike. Anita also made the assumption that (f/n) came down later than usual and didn't have breakfast with her because of the pool. Instead, (f/n) just didn't want to deal with her more than she had to, and the pool gave her a perfect excuse for that.

Despite Anita getting the hint that she was more than annoyed about the pool, (f/n) noted that Anita had this mischievous gleam in her light brown optics. (F/n) would note the occasional smirk on her lips too, and she had a feeling that she'd learn what was up after service. Scarlett and the waiting staff just assumed that it was another day of Anita teasing (f/n), but Hal did come over and talk to her at one point. He had noticed the displeased frown on her lips when she thought no one was looking and thought that she genuinely looked pissed off.

Of course, he was right, but she didn't go into details. She only mentioned the pool trip that Anita and her boyfriend planned and that she was going with the guy Anita was trying to hook her up with. Hal, not having the full picture and knowing that she had gone on a few dates beforehand, took it as embarrassment being the source of her dislike for the trip. "Don't worry, (f/n). I'm sure that you'll look beautiful in your bathing suit." He even had given her an encouraging pat on the back before returning to work.

If only that was the problem. Well, she might be worried about that if she was swimming with Lee. For a moment, she blinked, and her eyes briefly glanced over to him. He could see her, but she had no idea what he was thinking or if he even was paying attention to her at that moment. She hoped that he wasn't since there was a bit of heat in her cheeks at the thought of him seeing her in her swim suit. Then again, he had been around when she had been fully nude before; he even had touched her leg.

Now, there was definite heat in her cheeks. Why did she have to remember that now? Annoyed at herself, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and composed herself. As for Lee, he wondered what had caused her to act embarrassed for a moment. She had glanced to him, and he smirked at the thought that perhaps she was thinking about him. But, she had enough on her mind that he wouldn't ask later. Not to mention that he couldn't move during service either.

During service, (f/n) also would think of her conversations with Lee from last night to keep her mind away from Anita and Saturday. It did make work more bearable. She knew his past now and what had triggered him to become a murderer and how he had been betrayed. Lee had trusted her with that information, like she had trusted him with information about her family. Those facts made her admittedly feel closer to him, and they had confirmed that they were friends now.

Not to mention that she accepted even their age difference, and she had learned that despite her aging he'd stay with her. Thinking back on those conversation points, she felt a bit of heat back in her cheeks. Maybe, they would become more than friends, and, perhaps, that's why she felt embarrassed about the bathing suit earlier on when thinking of him. But, getting lost in her thoughts when she wasn't helping customers and staff did made work go by faster.

Unfortunately, that meant that she'd have to talk to Anita all the sooner. In fact once service ended and the other staff left, Anita grinned widely. (F/n) just finished wiping the last table clean, and she tried to ignore Anita for the moment. Of course, that didn't faze Anita at all. "(F/n), you can't ignore me forever." Oh, how she wished she could. Anita walked over to her and pressed her hands on the table. She leaned forward a bit until (f/n) met her gaze annoyed.

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