Film to Digest

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Turning her hand over, Lee rubbed his thumb against the palm of her hand. He added a little bit of pressure to make the action more soothing and give her hand a light massage. (F/n) didn't complain. Another note was passed to her soon after. But for now, how about we watch that movie I promised you? Do you want to bring the remainder of your food and drink up to your room?

"No, I'll finish eating here. I might bring the drink up, though." She smiled a bit and watched as his thumb moved back to massaging her palm. In a way, just observing the action was therapeutic in itself. It didn't matter that his thumb was plastic because it belonged to Lee. "And, I think that you deserve a break too after finding all of that out."

His own smile touched his lips, but, truthfully, she still needed it more than him. He just researched; she had to deal with that idiot trying to progress things to an even more worrying level. Slowly, Lee withdrew his hand, though, and wrote another message. What movie did you want to watch this time? Another horror?

Laughing lightly, she shook her head before a gentle smile hit her lips. His chest would've tightened if it could have. "No. Not unless you want to." He shook his head. "I know why you did what you did now, and I accept it, all of it." Her words brought a joyful smile to his lips. She truly was wonderful. Tristan didn't deserve even a speck of her.

"In that case ..." She trailed off and moved the laptop closer as she took another bite of food. Loading up the movie browser, she began to scroll through action movies. "I think that seeing someone get in a few punches might be good," she joked, and a mischievous smirk formed on her lips. Laughter parted from him, and he nodded his head in agreement. Personally, he'd prefer more than some punches, but he'd settle for that unless he needed to get more serious with those three.

Finding one, she looked to him for approval. It was a more modern one, and he certainly hadn't seen it, so he nodded that he was fine with the selection. After the last movie they watched, he knew that the movie effects would be pretty advanced compared to what had been accomplished back in the day. He was looking forward to what he'd see on the screen.

Moving his chair closer to hers, he sat beside her as she started the film. The opening credits had catchy music playing and began with quite a bang. It started with confidential files being stolen and them needing to be recovered. So, the main character was assigned the mission of retrieving them before the antagonist could use them for their own plans.

It certainly was a fast-paced movie, and the effects made it very lifelike. Honestly, it was astonishing how much movies had developed since the fifties. He was impressed. But, the other thing that caught his attention was how focused (f/n) was on the film. She was eating her food faster as if that would progress the movie even more. Truthfully, it was hard not to laugh at times, but he was glad that the movie was keeping her mind occupied and giving it a break from everything that had happened that afternoon.

Due to her concentrated eating, she finished quite soon. Her legs were up on the chair, and her arms were wrapped around her knees. One of her hands held her daiquiri. Occasionally, she would press the rim of the glass to her lips and hold it there for several seconds before she actually took a drink from it. No matter how much effects had changed in film, (f/n) was much more preferable in terms of watching. What was even more amusing was that she didn't note his stare on her every now and then.

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