Soon to Open

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Almost. They were so close. Both of them had been friends since high school, clicking during their first class together: physical education. Neither of them were either the type to exercise beyond the point of simple stretches and maybe the occasional short jog around the neighborhood. By occasional, it meant maybe, possibly less, once a week. So when they tired out easily during class and were part of the group that sat out early, they began to talk and hit it off.

In general, their aspirations for life were quite different; however, they realized that they could combine them into something that they both loved: cafes. While Anita loved to cook and bake, (f/n) enjoyed managing, organizing and finance. During their various classes, which during their first year they shared practically all of them and during the following years tried to share as many as they could while meeting their own interests, they often would be seen helping each other. Anita excelled in arts, chemistry and English while (f/n) was better in math, economics and physics. As for their other classes, they weren't terrible at them, but they weren't the best either even when they worked together on assignments and studying.

Once they graduated high school, which was half a semester early, Anita entered a four-year culinary program, and (f/n) pursued a bachelor's in business management. At the end of their higher education, both intended to start a café together. It was a long process, but, finally, they were seeing the fruits of their labor.

Deciding upon a location to open their café wasn't easy in the slightest, but they both ended up choosing a location a little ways away from the city they both grew up in. The town, Duskriver, wasn't large, and it wasn't known for its food either. Anita saw that as a perfect opportunity to start a café and help to build up the town's reputation for food. She wanted their café to be the reason people came to the town. From a business standpoint, (f/n) saw that as a good angle, but they certainly would have to market online to draw in people from outside the town and market locally to draw in the residents.

Another perk of the location was Anita and she had found a spot that had housed a restaurant in the past, so the appliances already would be in the building, and wasn't expensive to purchase. Not to mention that a large enough kitchen would be there too. After their business brought in some money, they could invest in better equipment since it hadn't been changed for quite awhile. Part of the reason they could afford the property was because it had been on the market for about fifteen years.

Of course, that meant that they needed to do some serious cleaning and invest in new equipment as soon as possible. The other perk of the property, however, was that there was a living space above the restaurant area, so they wouldn't need to purchase separate housing. Both of them had borrowed from their parents and had student loans still hanging over their heads, so they didn't want to take out too much more money. Thankfully, their parents were supportive and receiving a few scholarships over their higher education careers certainly helped reduce the amount of loans they owed.

Was opening a business right out of college and with loans risky? Yes, it was incredibly so, but they both were determined to succeed, and they'd combine their skills, like they had over the past years, to make it work. It did take about two months to clean up the property and move in fully before they were ready to open. During that time, Anita also had been developing a menu that would appeal to local tastes as well as including a few unique items to draw in others, and (f/n) had been building their restaurant online as well as locally. By the end of the months, most of the town knew that they'd be opening their business soon, and they already had received a small following online.

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