Explanation to Agree

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, this next week's chapters are being posted early since I will be going to multiple events this Halloween weekend. Thank you for understanding, and I hope that you all have a good evening/afternoon/morning. Also, happy early Halloween ^-^!

Softly, (f/n) breathed in and out as she thought about that awful conversation between Kaleb and Tristan. "I didn't see them; I didn't have to." She crossed her arms and stared ahead at her door. "Their voices were enough. What they said was enough." A shiver ran up her spine, and her hands instinctively tightened their hold on her upper arms. Lee remained sitting on the bed. His forearms were on his thighs as he listened. "Anita gave Kaleb a picture of me ... a compromising one."

Such news hadn't been new to him. If it wasn't a picture, it was something else to bribe another person. This time, though, it was different because he wasn't trying to kill (f/n). She had sworn to him that she wasn't like Anita, and he knew that she wasn't lying. Though if for some reason, she had managed to fool him out of nowhere, she would suffer grave consequences. Her death wouldn't be quick by any means. Doubtful that would happen, however, he felt his dislike of Anita grow all the more, same for Kaleb.

"She took it when I wasn't paying attention. It was after work. I was exhausted." She stared at the floor as though it would erase the picture. "I had undone a few buttons on my shirt to be more comfortable. She gave that to him." Another shiver traveled up her spine. Not the most compromising picture he's seen, but he was ... relieved that it wasn't something worse.

"Tristan's comments made it worse. He said that 'he wouldn't mind making me that exhausted.'" Her hands gripped her skin tighter, and she eventually turned around to sit back down on the bed. That time, she didn't sit close to Lee, and he could tell that she wanted to curl up into a ball and hide at the memory. "If I hadn't heard him, I would've ... I would've ..." She shook her head lightly, and Lee didn't respond; he waited for her to continue.

"Well, he erased the pictures of all those women. I knew he was acting, but if I hadn't known that, I might've fallen into his trap. And, Anita wouldn't have gotten me out. She'd just watch." She brought her knees up to her chest. "It made me feel so sick. Even now, I feel sick about it."

Was there anything else? She set the note aside after she read it. His right hand rested on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. (F/n) assumed it was an attempt to console her. He did remove his hand shortly after, though, and she released a light sigh in the process before she nodded.

"Kaleb mentioned his parents and them being happy about what Tristan was doing. They know each other through their parents. Anita never met Tristan at a bar. Otherwise, she would've given Tristan the picture, not Kaleb." She tightened her fingers around her knees. "I should've been more suspicious about Anita not mentioning him before now." Lee was kind enough not to mention that she should've listened to him from the start.

Sitting up straight, Lee began to write another note. Curious, she looked over, but he soon passed the note to her. I think I know what they're planning given all of the pieces and Tristan's involvement. Now, it was her turn to sit up straighter, and she watched him write more down. Kaleb mentioned you working for his company if you wanted, but I doubt he wants that. He's still the scumbag that he always has been based on what I heard from the conversations between Anita and you. I also think that his parents don't want someone who has badmouthed their son in their company. Pieces were coming together for her now too.

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