Away to Allow

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


None of her options were great. There was the pool, which would mean going in a bathing suit. She could wear clothes over the suit, but she had a feeling that Anita would just push her into the water eventually regardless. Another option was see Tristan's designs, but that meant going to his hotel room, which was a huge no. Only would she go there if it was absolutely necessary, and she hoped that never became the case. The only situation that might call for that was if she needed to get information directly from his room.

How she was to do that without Tristan noticing would be pretty difficult unless she managed to break into his room with no staff or cameras spotting her. Yeah, she didn't see that happening. She was no spy. Not to mention that she'd have to sneak past the front desk. Otherwise, they'd know why she was there. Of course, she could use the excuse of going to see Anita, but that would bring her into the picture, and she'd have to think of several other excuses since Anita probably would tell Kaleb and Tristan. All in all, Tristan's hotel room was just a place she should avoid, and she hoped to find information on Kaleb and Tristan that would separate Kaleb from Anita by using the internet.

As for their next date, she could choose the coffee shop again. It still wasn't a great option, but it was better than the other two. "How about we just come here again?" (F/n) shrugged. "It's nice enough."

Tristan just took another sip of his coffee, and he smiled. "I wouldn't mind that. I could bring my designs here." Maybe, she could spill coffee on them. Almost, she chuckled at the thought, but a small smile did touch her lips. He misread it and smiled more. "Then, we'll do that."

"Great." Her tone was excited, and she stared at her cinnamon roll, more interested in it than him. That only caused him to chuckle, and her focus on the dessert led to him being able to snatch a piece off.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, a pout now forming on her lips. "Not fair! You said that you had enough!"

"I did add 'now' at the end. Now is a different now," he replied, smirking in victory and popping the piece of the tasty treat into his mouth. She continued to frown and crossed her arms.

"Maybe, we shouldn't have another date."

"I'll buy you another one to make up for it."

"Hmm," she hummed out, breaking off a piece of the cinnamon roll and placing it in her mouth. She chewed slower than usual before she finally swallowed. "I don't know. What if you steal another bite?" Her tone wasn't playful, though. If anything, it held dislike in it, but that didn't faze Tristan.

"I won't. I'll get my own next time," he reassured, taking a sip of his coffee.

Humming again, she shrugged her shoulders. "... Fine. But, not for another week. We have two months, no need to rush anything."

Before he could answer, his phone buzzed, and he glanced to it. A brow of his rose. "A message from Kaleb," he muttered, unlocking his phone and reading it over. (F/n) instinctively got a feeling of dread in her stomach. A nervous expression crossed Tristan's face, and he turned the phone to her. Curious, she leaned in closer and read.

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