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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Just like Tristan's, Kaleb's older posts gave them no new information on what might give Anita reason to break up with Kaleb. So, they started the long search of going through their friends' posts. Since she wasn't friends herself with any of the people, access was limited. Of course, she could ask for friend requests from all of those people, but that might be a bit much. Kaleb and Tristan probably would wonder what got into her all of a sudden, and Tristan might take that as a sign to move things along even faster. Already, she'd have to deal with just accepting his and Kaleb's requests. Right now, she didn't want to add more to the list unless it was necessary.

Eventually, she needed a brief break, so she completed her night routine before she came back and climbed under the covers. Her eyes scanned over the screen while Lee scrolled down the present page. Nothing caught either of their attention, and even though she'd like to be more focused on it, exhaustion was hitting her. It didn't take too much longer for her to drift off and fall asleep. In the process, she leaned to her left and ended up resting her head on Lee's right shoulder.

Glancing over to her, he smiled gently. Quietly, he set the laptop aside. Thankfully, it was already plugged in with the charger, so he wouldn't have to worry about getting up and doing that. He'd only have to get up when he needed to head back downstairs. That wouldn't be for several more hours.

Carefully, he held onto her with one arm while he used his free hand to grab the pillow she normally slept on. He rested the pillow against his side before he laid her head down on it. Almost immediately, she curled up beside him and wrapped her arms around the pillow as she made herself more comfortable in her sleep. Another smile touched his lips. She was too adorable.

Moving the laptop closer to him, he used his left hand to scroll through the pages while his right fingers combed through her hair gently. He imagined her locks to feel soft against his fingertips. Even if he actually could feel physically and they didn't feel that way, he wouldn't mind since a peaceful smile fell onto her lips when he began the action. Seeing that gave him comfort on its own.

Concentrating back on the screen, he leaned back against the headboard and sighed lightly. The lack of information that'd be helpful truly was astonishing and aggravating. Time wasn't on their side, and what time they did have was quickly vanishing it seemed. So, he moved onto the next page and the next. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Groaning, he paused in looking over the screen since he needed a break himself from it. It'd only be a minute or so. His dark brown optics peered down to (f/n). She was fast asleep and remained curled up beside him. If only she could look that peaceful during the day. Instead, she had to worry about those three, particularly Tristan the most presently.

Eyes turning back to the laptop, he scanned over the present page. Like the others, he didn't find anything. When he moved onto the next one, however, he had reached the older posts on the individual's page. Almost, he had scrolled past a particular picture, but he stopped himself just in time. He moved closer to the screen, though he was mindful of (f/n), and saw a familiar face in the background.

Currently, he had black loose wavy hair down to his jaw, so it was a little odd seeing the male with a buzz cut. But, that definitely was Kaleb. The girl who had taken the picture was at the very front of it. Judging by the background, he assumed that they were in a club of some sort. Other people were around. Kaleb was seated between two women, kissing one of them on the side of her lips, and there was another guy sitting with another girl to their right. In Kaleb's one hand was a glass of what probably was whiskey. Didn't he not like drinking in public? Underneath the picture, there was a line of text. Partying hard tonight!

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