Stop to Keep

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Across the screen was his answer. If the history was erased recently, system restore will bring it back. The small box on the page proceeded to say how to get to system restore and how to execute the action. Needless to say, she could find out what he was looking for. She'd probably search the information he was looking at now on her own time, and it wouldn't be hard to find. It only took him a few moments to learn of how to go about bringing back destroyed history.

Fantastic. He pushed the laptop away from him. It wouldn't do him any good if he couldn't find out information on his friend. Sure, he could entertain himself on the laptop since it had so many different features on it, but even those could be used against him if he wasn't careful. Most likely, it'd be better to stay away from the device than get hooked on it and leave a trail of crumbs for (f/n) to follow.

Or, maybe, he was being overly cautious and giving her too much credit. It possibly was also his own background that was causing him to think of such things being turned against him. Whatever the reason, he decided to shut off the laptop and stand up. He walked over to the window. No one was outside, and with the lights off in the dining room, he doubted that anyone would be able to see in from one of the other buildings. Perhaps, they could, so he did hide himself behind the green and pink curtains somewhat.

The street certainly looked different. Businesses and homes were given updates, and the street had been repaired so that there were no holes in it. In fact, the pavement looked pretty new. There still were the street lamps from back then. They had new paint on them, but they still had that dull glow to them that was calming to him but eerie to others, especially at this time of night. He wondered how the hotel looked nowadays. Back then, it had been recently renovated, but he was curious to how it looked presently. Maybe, they kept the old look to give some old-fashioned charm since sixty five years was a long time.

Pushing himself off of the window, he let the laptop stay plugged in. The charge symbol hadn't been full, and there was a little light on the side, so he assumed that meant that it still was charging. He'd put it away later, and he went in search of something to read. (F/n) did have financial books up in her room in those fabric cubes. Maybe, he could read up on one of those and see what people were recommending nowadays for how to run a business. It was either that or the cooking books that Anita had, and he frankly wasn't fond of cooking. One, he didn't need to eat anymore. Two, he didn't want to be remembered of his friend's cooking, which was frustratingly good.

Before he went up the stairs, however, he paused. (F/n) had asked him to move out of his room, and he had agreed as long as she had said, "Please." And, she had. Well, he'd have to put the laptop back before Anita came home. Or, he could leave it out and just go into his regular position and let (f/n) make up some excuse for it being in the dining room. Then again, he'd rather hand it to her. In that case, he'd knock. For now, he'd hold off on reading and let her get some sleep since he had said he'd move, but that meant that it'd be another uneventful evening for him.

Thankfully, though, another thought passed through his mind. He glanced over to the laptop. There was one thing on there that he could look up that he figured wouldn't bring him any negative consequences unless Anita logged on and wondered why (f/n) had been looking at such items. It'd create another risk, but he also really want to change clothes. Not to mention that it'd pass the time.

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