Up to Wednesday

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Kaleb had accepted. Tristan had texted her back that they'd be there at five and that Anita was pretty stoked up about the update in plans. (F/n) had sent back a laughing emoji before typing that she'd see him soon. And, that'd be the last time she ever saw him. Things were set in motion, and Lee and she could relax for the rest of the evening. For once, they didn't have to research anything that night.

(F/n) leaned back from the laptop and stretched her arms. Her shoulders popped in the process, and she released a relieved sigh. Lee stepped around her and wrote another note. Do you want some dessert, and we can watch a movie? Celebrate a little?

Smiling, she hummed in agreement and nodded her head firmly. "I'd like that. I'm ready to cuddle up in a bed and just give my mind a break from all of this." Her (e/c) eyes briefly looked to her room door. "You don't think Anita will come back early because of the news, do you?"

It's possible. Her shoulders sagged a bit after she read the note. She stared up to him, and he rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder before she looked over what he wrote next. Did you want to wait a little before we settle in for the night?

"I don't want to, but I also don't want her bursting in and causing problems," she muttered, a pout on her lips. "Let's just go make dessert and go from there."

Resting a hand on her head, Lee combed his fingers through her hair and kissed her right cheek before he nodded. He pulled away from her only to offer her a hand. She accepted it after she made sure her laptop was shut off. They left the room and went downstairs. (F/n) glanced towards the door and glared a little, but she reminded herself that it wouldn't be too much longer before she no longer had to worry about those three.

Entering the kitchen, (f/n) went towards the fridge and glanced over what was inside. There were a couple slices of lemon cake left. Anita had made them, though, and she felt like something even more refreshing. She opened the freezer and found blueberry crumble ice cream. That sounded perfect. (F/n) grabbed the gallon and set it on the counter. Lee retrieved a bowl and spoon.

How many scoops? She hummed in thought before she held up five fingers; she was celebrating after all, and she was a bit hungry. Lee simply put that number in the bowl. Toppings?

"Not today. This sounds good on its own." She took a bite after he passed the bowl to her. A pleased hum left her mouth. "Yep, this is perfect." Looking to the kitchen door, she smiled again. "And, Anita isn't back yet. So, even better. Should we try and watch a movie, then?"

We can. I'll keep a listen. Sound good? She gave him a nod in response and held onto her ice cream while they both left the kitchen. As they started up the stairs, Anita still hadn't shown up. Even when they reached the room again, she wasn't back yet. (F/n) placed the bowl down momentarily while she turned the laptop back on and set it up on the bed once it was loaded up.

Placing it between them, she leaned back against the headboard while Lee scrolled through movie selections. Which genre? Something that was upbeat sounded good. She thought on it a little bit more before she smiled to him and mentioned the cheerful aspect to him.

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