Possible to Consider

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Why? Are you going back to getting rid of your doubt about your friend? (F/n) glanced over to him before he read the note, and his gaze was pinned on her. She looked back to the note. If so, you're lying to yourself. Honestly, I can't believe that you're putting up with her.

Tsking, she rolled her eyes and set the note aside before she met his gaze. "You can't tell me that you didn't have a friend at some point that you gave multiple chances to." No note came her way, and she frowned a bit. If he had answered that, she would've gotten more insight into who or what he was. Surprise entered her (e/c) optics, though, when he tossed another note over to her after a somewhat long pause. She had been about to leave ... if he'd let her. He had pulled her back on several accounts before.

You can take my advice or not. Unfortunately, though, for you, your 'friend' isn't going to help you out. Right now, I'm your best bet for not getting too hurt. An eyebrow of hers quirked in bitter amusement, and she chuckled in doubt at his words.

"Right, the mannequin who messed with me earlier." She tsked again, annoyed at the fact of how he put quotation marks around the word for 'friend.' Frustratingly, however, she couldn't get rid of the worry that was forming in her head over the issue of Anita, especially since Lee wouldn't tell her why he was so convinced of Anita betraying her. Irritated, she almost glared at him. "Is this what makes you happy? Getting inside people's heads?" she asked, her tone indicating clear displeasure.

Yes. It's quite fun. Nearly, she crumpled up the note, but another one came her way. But, you're lucky. I'm helping you. She rolled her eyes. Even if he meant that, it was for his own twisted sense of entertainment.

"So, the others didn't get your help?" He stood up straight and shrugged his shoulders. A frown met her lips. "Right. Your vagueness is appreciated," she muttered, falling back against the counter behind her and crossing her arms over her chest. A rough sigh left her lips. Barely, she managed to catch a note that flew over to her.

Since you've admitted I'm in your head, what do you plan to do about this dinner date? Are you actually going to see if Tristan is there for another reason other than what Anita says? A scowl touched her lips before she broke eye contact with him. She pushed back some strands of (h/c) (h/l) locks and huffed.

"... I'll be cautious regardless based on what I know about him so far. And if I learn anything odd about him being there, then I do." She peered down to her feet and kicked the kitchen flooring a little bit. "I want to believe in my friend, but I'll keep my guard up." Now, she locked her eyes with his. "But by doing this, it doesn't mean that I'm agreeing with what you're saying."

Catching another note, an eyebrow of hers twitched. I'm not asking you to. I'm telling you to learn the truth. Right. As if he didn't think what he was saying was true. He certainly seemed pretty sure of himself.

"So, what are you going to do while we're gone?" She looked to him suspiciously. "Going to invade more of Anita's and my privacy?" If she could hear him, she'd hear laughing a little. He most certainly could, but what he really wanted was to look for information on his friend without her finding out. Unfortunately, that seemed rather difficult. Regardless, it was cute that she thought he only thought about Anita and her, but he hadn't given her much reason to assume otherwise.

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