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Taehyung grabbed the few more belongings he had left and hurled them into the briefcase

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Taehyung grabbed the few more belongings he had left and hurled them into the briefcase. He looked at the mirror once more and checked himself up and down. Flames of hatred fuming in his eyes. From today the excursion of his revenge will officially start. All these years he's been planning and thinking about how to make the ones who made him suffer swoop to their knees. He practised sword fighting,  archery and everything these past seven years that was needed for him to become stronger. These seven years were hard as hell for him. He had to pay heed to soldiers who were lower than him. However he remained calm as he focused on the fuller picture.He comprehended one thing he need tremendous power to win against the other five princes of the Kim dynasty. The only conclusion was for him to become the king. To own the throne became his ultimate goal so that he could sit high above everyone and look down on the people who undermined him. Whatever move he needs to take in this chess of life he will take just to win and he will win no matter what.

The guards eventually appeared and held the sixth prince's luggage for departure and asked the prince to go to the carriage which was currently ready. Taehyung stepped out to see something very fascinating. Jungkook grasped the reins of the horse which was frantically lunging high up to the sky and moving frantically. The horse's skin had got hurt somehow and for that, the horse went wild. When a horse gets hurt and loses its mind it's extremely dangerous to be even near them, they could push so hard that the person might even die. However, that didn't stop jungkook to hop on him and pull the harnesses of the horse. The horse moved sideways frantically but jungkook didn't resign. His muscular arms all bulged up and veins exhibited as he pulled the reins. The horse gradually started to calm down and eventually stopped. Junkook leaned a little and caressed the forehead of the horse and said,' sorry for being so hard on you i will treat your wound now don't worry".

He leaped down, huffing a little and looked upwards to meet the eyes f the prince who looked thoroughly pleased. The only person who could impress taehyung was undoubtedly jungkook. He liked how he was always loyal and honest, obedient and how his eyes used tell everything.   How good he was in everything and so fierce. But he was not like taehyung, he had a heart burning with the passion of love.

Taehyung strolled towards jungkook who was now bowing. " sorry sir for the delay, the horse will be treated and we will be good to go please wait for mins", pleaded jungkook who was afraid that taehyung would start creating a ruckus. Instead, taehyung smirked a little and said, "ok but not more than five minutes". Jungkook sighed in relief and ran to seize the first aid kit. The horse was treated as fast as possible, taehyung hopped on the carriage and jungkook hopped on his horse they began their journey to taehyung 's destination, the palace.

The carriage came to a halt when they finally arrived at the palace. Taehyung got off the carriage and looked at the palace infornt him. The very mansion he will own someday whatsoever. He was a bit taken aback when he saw his father,  the king standing in front of him. The king's mouth split apart and his eyes became a bit teary. The maids around were stunned to see the sixth prince. Oh, how breathtaking he was!  the maids were already smitten by his beauty as soon as he arrived. "Welcome home', said the king with a raspy voice. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and forced to pull his lips into a smile. He moved his eyes to jungkook who was bowing to the king with other guards. Taehyung called jungkook's name and motioned jk to come near him. Taehyung whispered sternly to jk," you must stay near me, remember we are now in the lion's cave". Jungkook nodded and put his guard up.

They entered the palace which looked almost the same. The golden and black floor was covered with a pleasing colour of velvet carpet. The shimmering chandelier high above illuminated the entire palace. The two staircases spilt from the floor and connected to the hallways. And below the very hall was the throne which was embedded with multicoloured priceless jewels. The throne which taehyung desired. Taehyung froze all of a sudden when he laid his eyes on the people coming one by one from the other room. Seokjin,namjoon, yoongi,hoseok and Jimin. Everyone with their respective female partners except Jimin. Taehyung couldn't move when he saw them after all these years. They looked so different yet so similar. The princes sneered at him and twisted their face in pure digust and glared at him with the exact hateful eyes. The memories of the past emerged on his mind to taunt him. He gritted his teeth as his blood now began to boil in anger. He preferred to kill them right there with his bare hand. However, he must not lose his composure to get what he truly wants.

The king nervously looked around as he could sense the tension between his sons and finally resolved to break the ice. "Taehyung meet your brothers and their beautiful wives and your sisters-in-laws', only you and Jimin are left to get married and I am sure that will soon happen", said the king.

Taehyung narrowed his dark brown hues to slits when his father referred to those insects as his brothers. But he became a bit bewildered when taehyung heard the term," marriage". He never thought of marriage before but he knew it could be a great asset to gain sovereignty

" taehyung you must be tired you should go to your chamber", said the king. With jungkook beside him, he was about to walk to his chamber when he saw seokjin's wife biting her lips while gazing at taehyung. Her eyes brimming with pure lust. Taehyung snickered at that and looked at seokjin who was chattering with yoongi while occasionally looking at taehyung.  Taehyung understood they already started their plan to antagonize and weaken him like before

Taehyung entered his room. Which was beautifully decorated with colorful flowers and candles. The king ordered the servants to make taehyung's  room as welcoming as possible.  After taehyung left,hiss father felt guilty for what happened to taehyung and wanted to redeem himself, but little did he know he was too late. Taehyung recalled the night he transformed eternally. How namjoon and Jimin were lying in their pool of blood exhilarated taehyung to this date. He sat on the soft mattress and started thinking about what his father said. About marriage. Taehyung called jungkook's name who was standing outside the chamber and patrolling. When jungkook entered the chamber, taehyung opened his mouth  and said  in his deep husky voice " I should get married shouldn't I?".

 When jungkook entered the chamber, taehyung opened his mouth  and said  in his deep husky voice " I should get married shouldn't I?"

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