61. labor day

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It was almost 8 in the night when Rosé finally told Jungkook that she felt the contractions occurred since she got admitted to the ward this evening. Jungkook had not been relaxed since then as he kept watching her every move even though she told him that she was fine. He was nervous and he never felt that nervous before as he tried to calm down to give support to Rosé.

"Mrs Jeon, we will move you to the OR now. If you feel anything, tell us right away, okay?", a nurse said as the medical team got ready for the twins delivery.

"Mr Jeon, you can come along if you want.", she added before getting prepared for the move to the operation room (OR).


"Yes, Chae?"

Rosé held his hand after he was handed a face mask to wear before going to the OR.

"Are you okay?", she asked him.

He tried to smile, "I'm fine, cupcake. I'll come with you, okay? We'll see our babies together."

"Are you not nervous?", she asked him again.

He chuckled, "How about you? How are you feeling?"

She smiled at him, "I'm fine. A bit...nervous but fine. I can't wait to see our twins. To hold them...to feed them for the first time..."

"Alright, Mrs Jeon. Are you ready?", a doctor dressed in surgical attire came to ask Rosé before moving her to the OR.


Jungkook held Rosé's hand as she was trying to relax with the contractions keep on coming telling her that the time was near for the first baby delivery. He was scared for her because he knew how risky it is to deliver twins especially when she chose to do it naturally. He wanted her to have a cesarean delivery but she was determined to have a normal one instead.

"Okay, Mrs Jeon. Do you feel anything right now?", the doctor asked.


Then, she asked again as she touched a different spot to see if Rosé can feel anything and the same answer was given.

"Okay, the epidural is working. It's time to push, Mrs Jeon.", the doctor said to Rosé.

With Jungkook sitting next to her holding her hand, Rosé slowly began pushing for the first baby to be delivered.

"Keep pushing. A little more, Mrs Jeon."

Jungkook silently praying that she will deliver the twins smoothly without any problem. The doctor had informed them that they might need to do an emergency cesarean for the second baby just in case of something comes up. For the first baby, it was good to go for the normal delivery because the baby was in the head-down position. For the second baby however, there is a risk of position changing so the medical team needed to be ready for that.

"My little ones, please be good to mummy, please...", just after that small wish slipped out of Jungkook's lips, they heard the sweet cries of their baby filling the OR.

"There she is!", the nurse announced the first born and showed her to Jungkook and Rosé for a moment before cleaning her up.

"Alright, Mrs Jeon. Now, it's time for your baby boy. His position is good, you can push him out now.", the doctor said with a convincing smile.

Rosé nodded as she breathed slowly with a contraction happening and with just a little push, another lovely little cries was heard around the room before she smiled in relief to see that she had successfully delivered her babies to the world.

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