3. the start in the past

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It was a dull first week to Rosé at Seoul High elite school. She did not find anything interesting there except the 3 friends she made last week. Jihyo, Mina and Miyeon. They were the only trio that pretty much her type of friends she wanted to hang out with.

She wished she did not cause a trouble in Australia until her father sent her here to live with him for her senior year of school. She should not hang out with the wrong crowd back in Melbourne. Now, she had to finish her studies here at this elite school that her family funded as a punishment.

"Hey, Rosé. What's up?", Jihyo asked as she leaned against the locker next to Rosé's golden one.

With a bored look, Rosé shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on, what's wrong? You can tell me.", Jihyo told her.

"And me.", Miyeon came up to them.

"Or me.", Mina raised her hand to Rosé who turned around to look at them all.

She leaned against her locker and spoke quietly, "This school sucks."

Mina and Miyeon had the same expression of widened eyes while Jihyo smiled.

"That bad, huh?", Jihyo asked.

"It's boring here. Only the three of you are cool. Others...why are they holding so many books and there, why are there so many kids with round glasses and very neat clothes? Elite school with a lot of freedom my ass.", Rosé said as she pointed to a group of teenagers in the school white and gold uniform even though they are allowed to wear any clothes in the school except on Monday.

"It's not even Monday and they're still wearing the uniforms.", she muttered with a sigh.

Mina who is a daughter of the Japanese ambassador to South Korea who wore the school signature colours of blouse and pants felt a bit offended and Rosé saw it through her face so she apologized, "I'm sorry, yours are cool."

"It's okay, Rosé but...do you really feel the school is boring?", Mina asked.

"Yes, it is. My school in Melbourne is better than this even though it's all girls school.", Rosé said.

"Mhmm...I think I know how to make you feel the school is less boring.", Miyeon snapped her fingers and smiled.

"How?", Rosé asked.

"Remember you told us you like challenging things?", Miyeon asked.

Rosé nodded, "Yeah, I said that like on the first day we met last week."

Miyeon clapped her hands, "Right. How would you like to do something challenging here to make it more fun for your senior year?"

Rosé thought about what Miyeon said for a while. The three looked at each other while nodding their heads to whatever Miyeon has in her mind. While they waited for Rosé's response, someone came up to them. Precisely, to the locker next to Rosé's where Jihyo was leaning at.

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