Chapter 34

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Katherine's POV

A week later I had some what forgotten about the incident at the lake. The fact that Ace didn't show up to school for a whole week also helped. Now Monday had arrived again and so was the tiresome routine of school, but today turned out to be quite interesting.

All six of us, my brothers, me, Elijah and Eren entered school talking about random things until all of them abruptly stopped, Dante standing with a grim look on his face "Ah shit." I followed his line of sight, and guess who it was.

Ace fucking Alvarez, standing by his locker talking to his cousin like he hadn't been completely MIA for the past week. I wanted to throw up.

"Kate-." Someone in our group started but I didn't listen, I had already spent way too much time thinking about some guy who obviously didn't care about me enough to at least give me an explanation. "Fuck them."

I walked towards my first class, ignoring him as I passed by.

Eren's POV

Me and Elijah were waiting in an empty classroom after school, there was no way I was leaving without an explanation from Ace. That mother fucker had some nerve doing what he did. We had to wait a while but once I saw him walk past our room I pulled him in.

Pinning him against the wall, my hands fisted around his collar "Why?" Frazzled, he stumbled over his answer. "W-what?" "Don't give me this shit Alvarez, why the fuck didn't you show up? You were the one who told her to meet you. So why weren't you there. You go missing for a week and you show up out of the blue like nothing happened."

He didn't reply just stared at me. I was angry, livid actually, and this just happened to push my buttons without a second thought I punched him square in the face. Ace stumbled to the side, holding his jaw and I pushed back from attacking him again by Elijah, "Eren just stop. We said no hitting."

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?" The fucker spoke up as he got back up. "Me? What about you. I mean you can't even come with an explanation for what you just did, god, all these years. I thought we were friends man. I mean my dad helped you out countless times so did the Marinos and this is what you do? I really judged you badly cause you are nothing like the guy I thought I knew.

"Just know that you really hurt her you know. She didn't deserve this. Kate may seem like a person who doesn't give a shit about stuff like this but I know her and I know how it hurt her when you just didn't care about her after she opened up to you."

"Don't you think I know that!" Ace all but shouted. He wasn't looking at me, his gaze set on the ground. He spoke again but a lot calmer now. "I know, and trust me I hate myself for doing this but I don't have another choice."

"Bullshit!" It was Elijah who screamed at Ace. "You are crazy you know that. I just- you like her, you care for her but you can't do the grown up thing of actually telling her that. And don't give me the 'I'm not good for her' crap okay. Frankly literally everyone has issues of their own but they still work through them because if you don't you're gonna end up being depressed for the rest of your lives."

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now