Chapter 33

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"Come on, Katie let's go home." I turn back at my best friend's voice. A sigh leaving my lips "Maybe we should just wait a couple more minutes." Eren just gave me a look telling me to give up already. "We've been waiting for two hours Kate. He would have been here if he was going to come, or he at least would have texted."

Eren too had a sad, almost angry look on his face. Looking back to the lake in front of me I dropped my head, "Come on, let's go home. This was all stupid anyway." "What?" I turn to him exasperated, throwing my hands up "Look around, Ace isn't here. The first guy, the literal first guy I liked, the one guy who I thought cared about me, just stood me up like that. I mean come on! I had actually started to open up to him, I had started to let my walls down and look at where that led me. Let's face it no sane person would want to go out with someone who has this much baggage."

Eren quickly stepped up to me, "No, no okay. Ace is a fucking idiot to not see what a great person you are. And this is just high school we are gonna meet so many people. And you are going to find someone who loves you for you."

Small tears prickle the back of my eyes, I hug Eren tightly, holding on to the one constant in my life. I might tease him relentlessly and make his life hell with my issues but I will always be glad to have him in my life.

When we reached home I ran straight to my room wanting to bury myself in a blanket and forget the rest of the world existed. Eren was left to explain it all to the rest of my family, and given the fact that all of them came up to my room periodically to checkup on me. I'm guessing he told them the truth. Fucking idiot.

I didn't sleep the whole night, I kept checking my phone constantly in hopes of seeing any messages or missed calls. I tried calling Ace too but he didn't pick up. At about 4am I just gave up. Curling up in bed and trying -unsuccessfully- to go to sleep.

The very next day as soon as I woke up from a restless sleep, I heard many voices seeming to come from down the hall. Trudging down sluggishly I reach the living where the noise was coming from and see everyone gathered there along with Elijah.

"Hey." Gaining everyone's attention, Elijah gasped when he saw me. "Oh my god! She's wearing sweatpants that's not good." He came over quickly engulfing me in a hug and rocking us from side to side, which was honestly very awkward.

"Babe I am here for you. Your brothers, and I say this with love are complete idiots." I merely shrug, I mean he isn't wrong. "I understand what you're going through- you know what actually I don't cause no matter how many guys I've been with none of them were a literal god like Ace. Like man, that guy was fine wine and I would have loved to take a sip if you know what I mean."

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now