Chapter 2

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TW- contains scenes of abuse. If you are not comfortable with them please skip the part marked(⚠️)

I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. "GET UP YOU LAZY BITCH! AND PUT SOME FOOD ON THE GOD DAMMED TABLE!" My mother shouted and walked off. I got up in a hurry, I'm not going to lie I was afraid to go down. They must have noticed I was gone yesterday when they came home. I was begging to god that they were really drunk cause I really don't want one of their 'lessons' before school. My stomach and back are an easy target for them, I managed yesterday but if they do it again today then I will most definitely not be able to move. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make them breakfast. My mother; Jasmine and her boyfriend;Jason were sitting on the couch smoking cigarettes with a beer in their hands while watching T.V. I kept my head down as to not make eye contact and went straight to the kitchen. From what we had left I made them some pancakes while almost burning myself multiple times on the stove (god! I'm clumsy).

⚠️ Start of scene
As soon as I set down their plates I started to make my way towards my room to get ready, the sooner I get out of here the less chances there are of them remembering last night. I had just stepped on the first stair when I felt a hand clamp down on my skull and yank me back with so much force that I fell down down with a yelp. I looked up to see Jason with that godawful smirk of his, he pulled me up again by my hair as my hands flew to my head he slapped me hard across the face with his free hand.

"Did you really think we wouldn't notice you gone all day, huh?" He sneered, his rotten breath making me want to gag. Like god, dude maybe brush once in a while.

He threw me down again while my mother makes her way to me, beer bottle still in hand. I knew what she was gonna do and as I watched her raise her hand I rolled to the side making the bottle smash right beside me. I try to crawl away from it but she kicks me in the side making me fall on my back near Jason's feet and he stomps on my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs. "YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!"
"WE GIVE YOU A PLACE TO STAY" Yeah a fucking attic what am I Cinderella.
"WE FEED YOU" Ha! Sure and I sneeze candy.
"AND YOU GO AROUND WHORING YOURSELF OUT TO THE WORLD!!" I don't say anything as they keep on kicking, slapping and punching me. But when mother picked up a piece of glass of the broken bottle, my yes widened. No no no no not glass. I tried squirming away but Jason held me by my shoulders while she pulled up my shirt.

"No! Please!! I'm sorry I won't do it again please stop!" I yelled but I knew they wouldn't listen. And just as I had thought she started to dig the glass into my body. While I was yelling and pleading I could hear Jason laughing behind me. Enjoying my torture to the fullest, it felt like an eternity after which she stop. When she finally stopped and stood up I looked up at her, every time it happened I looked at her hoping that maybe there was at least a bit of remorse or guilt but nothing. The same happened today as I looked at her and saw nothing other than joy. Both of them went back to their room leaving me slumped on the hallway floor clutching my stomach in pain.
End of scene

I dragged myself towards my room, as I went to the bathroom,I avoided looking at myself in the mirror, I don't think I could bare to see myself. Taking out the medical kit I had hidden under the sink I start to tend to my wounds after that is done I take a quick shower, change in to black ripped jeans, grey T-shirt and put a zip up black hoodie over it. It was relatively slow today given my injuries resulting in me being almost being late to school. Picking up my bag I rush out of my house and make my way towards school.

I live near the school so it's a fifteen minute walk. As I reach the building, I put my hood up covering my face keeping my head down I enter. As soon as I enter the hallway, people quite down. Let's just say people are simply afraid to get on my bad side. Now don't get me wrong, I do not bully people but I still hate almost everyone in the human race. Making my way towards my locker, there are hushed whispers that surround me but I just tune them out. I put in the combination and open the lock taking out the books I need, I close my locker and make my way towards the first class math... yuck.

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