Chapter 21

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TW- Use of drugs, mentions of sexual abuse

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TW- Use of drugs, mentions of sexual abuse

Eren's POV (same night as the phone call)

I could still feel my hands shaking as I cut the call. Shit! This was not supposed to happen. I mean she was doing so good what the fuck could have happened? And I hate the fact that she didn't come to me herself.

The last time she got caught up with drugs was almost three years ago. The planning for me leaving for turkey was going on, I was so stressed with the whole training and leaving the only place I had known. I was so caught up in my own stuff that I didn't realize what was going on with Kate. Until I found her one day, in some alleyway looking half dead. She had overdosed.

Thankfully I was able to get her to the hospital soon and my parents made sure to not let this get out. God I wish I could have been smarter, more observant. She got so good at lying overtime. It took a lot of pestering from me to actually find out the truth.

Jason and her mother decided to have some of his buddies over that night, they had ties her up, and did god-awful things that night. I know that Kate must have sugarcoated the things that happened that night, she never truly told someone about her struggles. But even from what she did tell me, I get sick just thinking about it.

"Hey sweetie, your father's looking-." I turn suddenly to see my mom standing by the door. I hadn't even realized I was crying until, she wiped my cheeks. Wrapping her arms around me, mom asked quietly what was going on.

"It's Kate. I don't know what happened but she had a relapse. She showed up at Elijah's house, and she was high on coke." Thankfully mom didn't ask for an explanation of who Elijah was, I don't think I had it in me to explain the situation.

"Did you talk to her yet?" I shook my head, no. "Okay, now how about we wait till its morning in America and then you can call her and help her out. I'm sure you can. Until then why don't you take your mind of this? How about you go train with your dad?" A humorless laugh escaped my lips. "That's the thing mom, she didn't even tell me what is going on. And you want to know why, why my fucking best friend is suffering all alone, its because of this." Waving my hands around "its because for the past year, my training has been the most important thing going on, I have been spending so much time training that I didn't even notice what was going wrong, its just like the first time. And what scares me more this time is that I wont is there to save her. There won't be anyone whose going to make sure that she doesn't overdose again."

Tears were pouring down my face, I was yelling at this point. My mom finally got up, hugging me tightly, her slightly shaking frame letting me know that she herself was scared. "She'll be okay. Kate is one of the strongest girls I know. And before you start overthinking, this isn't your fault. We don't know what happened with Kate back there. Also, I'll talk to your father, and we'll try to take a trip to America as soon as possible." With a satisfied smile she leaves and I get ready for the day.

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