Chapter 16

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Katherine's POV

"What the fuck?"

My first thought when I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I had a pounding headache and I could already tell that I must be looking horrible with the smudged up make up. There was no one in bed with me when I woke up. Honestly it was pretty strange that I was not at home or some motel.

I have done some pretty fucked up things when I'm drunk or high but I have never hooked up with someone, so I honestly can't figure out what happened last night. As I look down, I'm in a hoodie and sweatpants which I'm a hundred percent sure belong to a guy.

Deciding that I really needed to figure out what happened last night, I got out of the bed, tiptoed my way out of the room. The hallway to this house was huge, and looked pretty extravagant, the person must be really rich.

I was trying to be as quite as I could but alas, froze in the stop when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned around agonisingly slow and came face to face with a blond boy around my age.

Now I know that I didn't do anything with him, cause well I'm not that into blonds. The guy in front of me was tall, wearing a plain hoodie and jeans, with dirty blond hair. He himself was really good looking just not my type. What was weird about him was that he had the most biggest and goofiest grin on his face, looking directly at me.

"Hi?" I said cautiously. "Hello." He replied still with the same expression. How do I ask him, where I am without sounding crazy? "So.... um. Where- where am I?"

"Oh well you're at our house. And I'll save you the trouble, you weren't with me last night. I mean no offence you're smoking hot but I'm not really into girls. And judging by your face I'm guessing you don't remember who you were with last night."

My face almost turned red as I nodded slightly not being able to look at him. He chuckled slightly. "Oh don't worry, been there done that. Now in your case, you were here with my cousin, he's downstairs in the kitchen. Down the hall to your right."

I turned to go down but paused, looking back,he still had that excitedly happy expression almost like he had won something. "Ok,um what is it that has you so excited? Cause honestly dude it's kind of freaky."

"Oh, well that's cause A doesn't usually bring girls home, and when he does I kind of have to wear noise cancelling headphones but there wasn't much screaming last night so..." he broke off laughing "so that means he's losing his game, and that is the most fucking hilarious thing that could've happened." And the blond guy almost doubled over laughing.

"Okay..." I slowly walk down the stairs, the headache still present. Once I step into the kitchen I stop in my tracks. Oh dear fucking lord. Out of all the people in the god damn world I end up spending the night with this guy.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now