Chapter 23

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Third person's POV10th May, 2019

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Third person's POV
10th May, 2019

She was finally doing it. With her bag all packed, her mother and Jason were supposed to be out for a few more hours, this was her one chance. Fourteen year old Katherine was shaking like a leaf from the nerves, but she had been through enough to let this opportunity go to waste.

She hadn't yet told her best friend about her escape plan but she knew that Eren would forgive her later for lying to him. Tucking the total of 300 dollars into the pocket of her jeans she slung the bag on her shoulder and even though she was alone at home she quietly sneaked out the front door.

After hours of walking Kate didn't know what time it was but she had come across a gas station, having not eaten anything since the past two nights she was in desperate need for food. As she found the cheapest bag of chips she gave the clerk the money putting the rest back, She walked out of the store.

But froze in her way when she saw the man of her nightmares standing right in front of her with the angriest look she had ever seen him wearing. Jason dragged her into the car and took her home. Getting back inside he dragged her by her hair and threw the girl on the floor in the living room.

Looking up she saw her mother perched at the couch with a bottle of beer in her hand scowling down at the girl. The older woman stared at Kate for a long while and then abruptly threw her bottle right at Kate's face.

Thinking fast the girl was able to cover her face and head, the glass shards embedded in her arms but thankfully missed her head or eyes. The little girl thought this would be treated like just any other 'lesson'. A strong beating, couple of cuss words and then they would call it a day.

Oh, how wrong was she....

"You little bitch! It's funny how you thought this little escapade would work out." Jessamine had amusement in her tone. Punches, kicks, slaps, what had Kate not gone through, but that was the night that lead to her almost killing herself the next day. That night was also the first time she stumbled up to a local peddler in search of a way to numb the pain that flowed through her entire body.

Jason had picked her up by her hair, dragging her back to the run down car. After a tortuous 10 minute drive, the three reached a warehouse type looking building. Inside there was barely any light but she could still make out the silhouettes of three people, big buff men.

Thrown to the ground she tried to scramble up and run but a knife was placed to her throat immediately making her stop. "Maybe this will finally teach you not to step out of line." Her mother sneered at her. Plopping down on a seat and opening a bottle of beer. Jason mimicking her actions "These good people were looking for a way to practise for their next fight. Get in a little workout and look at that, we just found them the perfect punching bag."

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