Chapter 7

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Alexander's POV

I was reluctant to let Kate go back to her room alone, but right now my mind was preoccupied with my youngest brother. He hadn't done that shit for so long now, he was even going to meeting till today. So I got pretty scared after he showed up in the house drunk out of his mind and high. Was there something going on that we didn't know about? Being in the mafia we all had become accustomed to not showing emotions that much but out of all of us Dante was still the emotional one.

The first time he started asking drugs was when dad died four years ago, the really crushed him. Somehow he was able to hide it from us, the rest of us only found out when he had ended up in a hospital due to an overdose. It crushed all of us to find out what was going on with our little brother. Especially Xavier, he thought it was his fault that he didn't care for him enough. We had helped Dante out of that addiction together and up until now I actually thought things were going good.

I decided to go and check on the others, I had to make sure Xavier didn't blow up at him. As I made my way inside Dante's room, the tension inside was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Dante was sitting on his bed head in his hand, standing in front of him was a furious Xavier. And the twins were standing by a wall waiting for the drama to begin. I got inside the room and closed the door, I was pretty sure Kate did not want to be disturbed right now.

"So. Are you going to tell me what the hell is going right now?" Xavier asked breaking the silence. Dante looked up staring up at his older brother but didn't say anything. "Answer me now!" Xavier practically yelled at him, the mafia boss side of him coming out. I quickly charged towards him, pulling him back a little.

"Hey, please Dante what happened? I thought you were sober for 3 and half years, is there something we don't know about." I asked him, in a calming voice. "Look, with your little sister back, we can't let something like this happen again. It's one thing you show up high as a kite but you also pushed her, I could actually see her becoming scared of-" I was cut off by Dante abruptly standing up and he started shouting.

"STOP IT! JUST STOP IT. OH MY GOD CANT YOU JUST THINK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE GIRL!" At this outburst both the twins became more alert. It was weird for us to see Dante like this, the one who was so cool and laid. What the hell was going on?

"WHY THE HELL AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO CANT FUCKING UNDERSTAND THIS SITUATION. THIS IS ALL SO FUCKED UP OKAY. AND I CANT SEE ANY OTHER WAY OF FUCKING DEALING WITH IT OKAY." Dante ranted off in one breath. I wanted to comfort him, I get what he is feeling. This whole situation is overwhelming but turning to dugs is not the solution, and given the past he should've known better.

It isn't like this has been the first time he was feeling like this. Being in the mafia we face a lot of stressful situations but he always came to talk to us and we always helped each other out. Was it that he didn't feel comfortable with me anymore? Does he think that just because it is about our sister I won't listen to him? Surely it isn't like that right?

I heard Xavier take a deep breath as he put his hands over Dante's shoulders. "Look, I get that this must be overwhelming for you but that is not in the least way a reason to take drugs, the very drugs that almost killed you. What's even worse is that you didn't come to any one of us to talk about or go to one of your sessions. Dante our whole relationship is based on us telling each other the truth." Xavier was speaking in a calm and low voice which wasn't a common occurrence.

"But this is something we can work out between us. What I am really mad about is that you pushed your sister causing her to get hurt, that is something I will not just look over." Dante simply nodded his head. "I am going to talk to your therapist and we are going to restart the sessions and you are going to start going to different meetings okay?" Dante again just nodded his head.

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