Chapter 11

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Luca's POV

I was currently on the phone talking to Chad (one of the guys on the football team) about the party he is throwing at his house tonight. Me and Marco were planning on sneaking out later tonight. I had to be extra careful because ever since Katherine came back all of my brothers and especially Xavier have been at her beck and call.

Honestly I just don't get by we have to be at her beck and call all the time. I mean she lived her whole life with our mom. What more could she want, I know my mother and I know that she would have treated Katherine like fucking princess.

I know I was only four when mom left but I was old enough to have memories and we had a lot of pictures and home movies that dad made that clearly showed how much she loved us. Mom was living happily with us up until Katherine was born, it was as if the first girl child in the family opened up her eyes to the fact that the mafia can be dangerous. I never hated her for going, unlike my twin brother who still held a little bit of resentment towards her for leaving us behind.

I knew she did what she had to do but what I hated was that she took Katherine and not one of us.

Back to my call with Chad, we had just finalised our plans when all of a sudden someone pushed to side, one hand around my middle while the other on the back of my head, and they pushed me with such force that I fell down behind my car hitting my elbow on the ground.

I turned around furious, ready to loose my shit over whoever the hell pushed me but to my complete and utter shock was met with the frantic and panting figure of Katherine, she was on her knees, after she did a once over of my figure she averted her gaze to the farthest corner of the parking lot. It looked like she was looking for something.

Noticing my stare on her she turned back to me while grunting softly, that's when I noticed her right arm was bleeding, she too looked at it but didn't seem to fazed and just answered with one word "snipper". Fuck. A fucking snipper, I had so many questions right now but my priority was to help her.

There was a little voice in my head that was telling me to deal with her later and to go find the person who just tried to kill me, that Dante and Marco would take care of her but that teeny tiny voice was over powered by this huge feeling of wanting to help her. That no matter how much I hated her taking away my mom and breaking my family I still had to help her.

And that is what I did. I helped her, I got up on my feet gently got her up as well, the rest of the parking lot was almost empty by now. I opened the passenger seat door and set her down, that's when I noticed the dazed expression on her face and how frantically her eyes were moving around the area not doubt searching for the shooter. "Hey, hey look at me. We'll find them okay?" I guess that was what broke her out of the trance as she lightly jerked at the sound of my voice, looking up at me her hands immediately went to my face checked for any injuries. "Are you okay? The guy didn't get you right? Oh I swear to god I would have fucking killed him. You sure you okay?"

What I found most weird was that a. She was asking me how I was even when she was the one with a bleeding wound. b. Why the hell was she asking how I, the brother who has been nothing but crap to her over the past week was? c. Even though her voice was frantic it was devoid of any emotion, except for maybe anger and even her face was blank not giving how she was actually feeling.

I in turn just nodded my head and went to the trunk, opening it I took out an emergency medical kit to treat the wound on her arm. As soon as she saw me holding it Katherine's eyes widened and she jumped up from her seat. "I knew it! You are hurt aren't you? Where is it show me, I'll fix it." She commanded taking the box from and started rummaging through it.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora