Chapter 30

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I was currently in the car, on our way home

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I was currently in the car, on our way home. I had spent a whole of three days holed up in the hospital room. My brothers didn't allow anyone to come inside my room. They even made the doctors go through thorough security checks just so they could check up on me.

Meaning the only contact I have had with the outside world is through Instagram and random shit that Elijah keeps sending me. But now I was finally out of that retched place. Breathing the fresh air that didn't smell like disinfectant.

Xavier had talked about meeting someone everyday. I knew from his tone and the excitement that this was someone special. I for one second did thought that it might be someone he is dating but I had laughed out loud at the stupid ideas I kept having.

My brother did not have a girlfriend.

Entering the house. We all pile towards the kitchen but stop suddenly when there is a woman in the kitchen grinning like crazy. "Hi!" She all but screamed. Once I regained some composure and got the chance to take a look at her, my jaw literally dropped. She was fucking stunning, with platinum blonde hair, she was tiny but she looked pretty strong.

Dressed in a simple black skirt and a sweater, the woman looked like she had just walked the runway. Finally breaking the silence Xavier stepped away from us and towards the girl. His arm snaking around her waist and I saw the mystery woman slightly lean into him.

"Kate, this is Sophia. My girlfriend." It took me a solid minute to process that fact. I face the girl, Sophia as I know her name now. "Him?" I ask most sincerely. She just shrugs, we both decide to ignore the expression on my brother's face. "Some people have said that there is something seriously wrong with me." She justifies.

"I mean come on. You look like a fucking angel. All you need is a halo and a pair of wings. And then you'll certainly have me on my knees for you. But look at him, he looks like.... If Captain Hook from Peter Pan had a kid and that is not a compliment."

"Yeah, that's king of the problem. I'd find Captain Hook hot." I didn't even know how to argue that, I just gave her two thumbs ups. Shaking my head I move to the fridge, taking a box Ferraro rocher, I hastily took the wrapper of one stuffing it in my mouth and almost moaning at the taste. God I love sugar.

"So how are you feeling now?" Sophia asked sitting down by the counter in front of me. "Better." I reply simply eating another piece of chocolate. "So I am told that you're looking to buy a dress for our upcoming ball."

Before I could answer Xavier spoke up. "Yup, that is where you come in. It's the kind of event where I'll be trying to make nice with other stubborn men like me so it's not that big of a deal for you. So no pressure." He replied. That's good, I wouldn't have to socialise much.

"Can I bring Elijah?" I ask. I need someone apart from my family to talk too. Don't get me wrong, I love these guys but smalls is just dramatic as fuck.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now