Chapter 5

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I was woken up by the noise of knocking on the door. Groaning I got up to go open the door and was met with mister grumpy, who even before speaking glaring at me and I just gave him, the same expression. Shock came over his face for one second but he came over it quick.

"Dinner" that's all he said before he turned on his heel and went back down to the living room. Now if I actually wanted, I could have given him a broken jaw for the rude behaviour but I wasn't in the mood right now so I just decided to ignore and make my way down as well. Walking fast to catch up with Luca so I don't get lost in this maze of a house.

As soon as we made our way into the living all conversations stopped, looking up at the people I say the four guys I had already seen and one unfamiliar one, he looked older than the rest and his whole being screamed "stay the fuck away from me!" And that is exactly what I plan to do.

As he got up, I did what I always do when I meet strangers; scanned his body for any potential dangers. He seemed stronger than me but that has never been a problem for me in the past but he was more alert than most people, shoulders tensed probably always on the look out for god knows what reason. Other than that I scanned his body for any weapons, expecting to find nothing I was shocked to see he had a gun on his person, I didn't let it show on my face even though he hid it well but I had practice so it was not that hard to spot it.

He neared me and instinctively my hand grazed the waistband of my jeans, which hid my switch I keep on person at all times. "Hi, Katherine. I am Xavier, your oldest brother and now your legal guardian." He introduced himself extending his hand towards me, while I being the idiotic bitch I am flinched back. I could see the confusion on his face and while I racked my brain for an explanation Marco saved me from that torture.

"She's not that big on physical contact." He said going back to texting on his phone or whatever it is he was doing. I mentally thanked him for saving from that awkward conversation. As Xavier turned back to me, he looked at me for a second then simply nodded his head and gestured for me to take a seat at the head of the table opposite to him on the other end.

I sat there confused for a second, if we are here who the hell is going to make dinner? Just as I thought that two maids entered the living room with plates of food in their hands. A place was set in front me as well; I let a small slip across my face looking at the food. I don't have to sneak out of the house to have food anymore. There was a heaping amount of pasta on my plate along with two slices of garlic bread and a side of salad. This was a lot more than I was used to eating.

I looked up to see the others already chomping down on their food. Reluctantly I picked up my fork and started eating, this was the most devious dish I had ever had. About half way through I was stuffed; this was the most I had probably eaten. I was about to get up when...

"Where are you going? You're not done yet." Asked Alexander looking doubtfully at me. "I'm full." I say looking down at floor. "Katherine sit down and finish your food. It's disrespectful to leave like this, also I would like to talk to you after you're done in my office." Said Xavier in a stern voice. The way he sounded right now sent a shiver up my spine and the only people who have been able to do that up till now have been mother and Jason. And my mind kept telling me to just comply but I also knew if I had one more bite would defiantly throw up.

"Look I am sorry but I am seriously full. I had stuff to eat one plane here so why don't I just wait here and once you're done we can go to your office to have whatever talk you want okay?" I guess I must be the first person to actually refute one of his decisions, cause not only was he a little surprised but the others were also shocked while Dante just had his mouth hanging open.

After a while he mumbled an okay, he was done within the next five minutes and lead me to his office. Now that I was actually getting a chance to observe my surroundings I noticed security cameras in the hallways and in front of the doors to any rooms. Why would they need that many security cameras inside the house? I left it be for now and followed him inside his office.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now