Chapter 10

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TW- Bullying and use of ethnic slurs. I DO NOT CONDONE TO THIS BEHAVIOUR. Especially as an Indian I know how much words like this could hurt and I do not in any way support them.

I entered the cafeteria, and made my way to the lunch line. I got a slice of pizza and water bottle and went to sit on a table near the end of the end of the cafeteria. The food was a lot better than what they served at my previous school, but even if they served pizza which tasted like cardboard I still cherished it as it was the only food I could get besides eating at the night club a few times.

I had just taken out my book to read when I saw Elijah enter, you could easily see how uncomfortable he was after taking his lunch he looked around the cafeteria but since there were no free table he started going towards the exit. Oh, he is going to eat alone in the library isn't he. Wait. Why the hell am I so worried if he eats alone or not, I don't care about anyone so why am I so worried if smalls even has a friend or not. Wait . I already have a nickname for him?!

He made his way towards the exit and before I could second guess my decision, I grabbed Elijah's arm stopping him in his tracks. As he looks at me in a questioning look, I gesture to the seat in front of me. "Sit" I could see he was shocked by my offer and tried to resist telling me that he was fine.

But I wasn't stupid enough to believe and after I gave him one of my famous death stares he finally shut up and sat down in front of me. I kept on reading my book while taking small bites of the pizza and Elijah also kept to himself and ate in silence.

I don't really know what I was trying to achieve by having him sit with me, it was honestly an impulsive decision but I don't really regret it. Stealing a few glances at him I could tell he was comparatively more relaxed around me now than he was before. I suddenly got that feeling again from earlier. The feeling of wanting to protect him, I mean he was the same age as me and by looks he would look like the older brother but still felt this urge to want to protect him.

I heard Elijah's panicked voice calling to me.
"What is it?"
"Jennifer is heading towards our table and she does not look happy."
I didn't even need to ask him to know that Jennifer was probably this school's self proclaimed queen bee. A sadistic smirk made its way on to my face, I didn't look up yet. I was hoping to do one of those dramatic face reveals where I look up at the bitch in slow motion.

"Well then let her come."
"I would normally not get in between but given the information you told me about your brothers I am guessing you are not going to get physical?"

"Are my brothers here." I knew they weren't. "No, but" I cut him off with a sweet smile. "Well then what they don't know wouldn't hurt them. Besides I was bored by the assholes back home, so I think I would like someone who could put up a fight." Elijah looked like he wanted to say something but was deciding weather he would or shouldn't. I guess eventually he thought that he should because the next words had me even more excited to see that bitch....again.

"Katherine. She is the same Jennifer from back home. The one you gave a broken nose and jaw to."
He didn't get to continue as we heard the click of heels near our table. "Hi!" Jennifer's all to familiar voice spoke. I ignored her reading my book, she tried again but got the same result.

"Bitch I'm talking to you." She screeched while you could hear the snickers of her little minions, by now the whole cafe had gone quite probably looking towards us. Watching the new girl get picked on by the school's rich bitch. Oh, how wrong they are. I guess Elijah figured that I was getting agitated by the second and tried to diffuse the situation and probably trying to save the blonde bimbo's life.

"Hey, Jennifer she isn't really into talking to people."
"Oh shut the fuck up you Chinaman!" That did it. The bitch really had the audacity to call him that. I raised my head slightly. And I could see how Elijah's whole face fell, but he didn't retaliate. I knew he was the kind of guy who wouldn't fight back.

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