Chapter 26

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(Song on the next slide) it's pretty amazing!!

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(Song on the next slide) it's pretty amazing!!

I was up early today, and there was no way in hell I was going back to sleep again so I decided to make the boys breakfast. I had this amazing Spanish omelet recipe, I didn't make it often, given the obvious housing and no food situation but I had always seen the cooks make it at the club back in London and I had picked it up pretty easily.

I put on some music and started making the breakfast, as I put the waffles in the iron my mind started to wonder back to the past week, things have been going well. I've been getting closer to all of them, Dante the most, because he is the closest to my age, and he probably is the only one who doesn't get a gun out every time I take a guy's name, which isn't very often but still...

Now don't take this the wrong way, the guy does have a murderous look in his eyes at every mention of a guy but he controls it a lot better than the others. Things have been going well with Marco and Alex, they always try to hang out with me after dinner.

Xavier has been more attentive but we haven't yet gotten the time to actually have a one on one conversation so it's hard to say where we stand right now. There has been progress with Luca, not completely good but we're getting there.

It was around 7:30 when everyone came downstairs already dressed, while the eldest two looked fresh and ready for the day, the youngest three looked like literal zombies. And I am in no way exaggerating.

"You made breakfast?" Alex asked and I nodded placing the plates full of bacon on the table and going to get the omelettes I had prepared. "You know you didn't have to do that. And this is all so much, how long did it take you to make it?" I shrugged to him, I didn't actually think about.

But it had to have taken me longer than usual as I was also jamming out to the songs playing. As everyone took a seat I came back in with the last plate that had the waffles and a coffee pot in the other hand, as most of us liked a strong cup in the morning.

"Oh hey,I remember this song. God I used to listen to it all of the time when I was 14." Luca said with an amused and reminiscing look on his face. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds? I didn't know you were a fan of this kind of music." I replied, Luca honestly didn't seem like a person to enjoy this genre.

"Oh I don't usually listen to this kind of music but you know, this has my name in it so..." I almost spit my coffee out at that. "What?" "Well when I was young they called me by 'Lucy' as a nickname and when I heard this song I became so fucking excited that it had my name that I used to listen to it all the time." Luca further explained.

Oh god. He really did think the song was about someone named Lucy. How the hell can someone like him be so confused. I looked towards Xavier who just shook his head at me, telling me not to flip his life right now. But I just smiled back and turned to my other brother.

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