Chapter 25

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"I have talked and screamed and listened and cried today

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"I have talked and screamed and listened and cried today. Now I want to fight."

"I'm not gonna fight you." Luca replied, his hands by his sides while I was in position. "Well too bad, I was really looking forward to a challenge." With that I took a swing, my fist connecting with his jaw, I didn't hear the ever so satisfying crack but even a little action like this was exhilarating.

Luca staggered back, hand cradling his jaw, eyes wide in shock, he tried to form a sentence but I honestly didn't care for words right now. Stalking up to him I landed a punch to his stomach, as he hunched over I brought my knee up to his face. He falls to the ground hands covering his nose as blood started to seep out.

Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't a sadist. But seeing his eyes water in pain and seeing the blood drip from his nose to his white west, made me smile in pure satisfaction. "Get up, bitch." Lightly nudging him with my foot.

He got up, "Kate please can we just talk about-." I cut him off trying to get a hit in but this time he blocked it and swung at me, as my head whipped to the side, I ran my tongue over my lower lip, and I was left with the metallic taste of blood. "Finally." I muttered under my breath.

Facing him again, I pulled out the karambit knives, tucked into the back of my slacks. "Time to make this interesting." Luca's eyes widened, "Since when are you keeping knives on you?" I shrug, "Since I had to gut a man who tried to get a little to handsy while asking for directions. Also.... Element of surprise."

We went on like this for a couple of minutes, I took swings at him while he dodged, he barely got a chance to hit me, he was left playing defence while I had the time of my life. Somewhere in between I abandoned the knives wanting to hit him with my bare hands.

At last I swiped his legs from beneath him, as he landed flat on his back, I got up on him, my left forearm on his neck keeping him from getting up, and my right fist raised waiting to be brought down. Just one more punch, just one more and he'll black out.

He deserved it right? Yes, yes he did, the words he said, the looks he gave me did a lot more damage to me than a simple punch would do to him. He body relaxed underneath me.

My hand hovered over his face, "Do it. I deserve this." He said, in a defeated voice. This time I didn't think, I didn't let myself concentrate too much on what was going to happen. I wanted to hurt him, make him feel pain the same way he did. "Yes, yes you do."

I brought my hand down in full force, the sound reverberated through the empty room. The thudding of skin coming in contact with the plastic mat on the floor. Both of us were breathing heavy, Luca slowly opened his eyes, confusion plastered over his face on not feeling the impact.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now