Chapter 1

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Katherine's POV

I was sitting on a bench in the back room of the fight club wrapping my hands and getting ready for the fight that was about to start. Oh... let me tell you a bit about myself to start.

My name is Katherine Forsythe, 16 years old with plain old brown eyes and medium length brown hair that reaches the middle of my back. I live in a crappy old apartment with my mother and her boyfriend who is known as my stepfather to the rest of the world but honestly I wouldn't even give him the title of being called a human. Those two are in a jist bad people who have made my life hell for as long as I can remember. Those two people hurt me in any way imaginable which also includes starving me and refusing to buy me anything (including proper clothes). That is one of the reasons why I take part in these illegal fights and why I have a job at the local night club. Now I know normal teenagers get jobs in cafes but with the money you get from that is to help buy some extra stuff you might want like a phone or a new pair of shoes. But you see that is not the same in my case, I need the money for my god damned survival so of course the amount they pay would not be sufficient.

I have been doing these fights since I was 14 (training for them since I was 12), I am one of the best and usually my opponent barely gets a chance to even take a hit at me. People bet a lot of money to see a teenage girl who is basically all skin bones to beat a huge guy twice her size. This job gets my good money, enough to buy me proper clothes and school books even though they are second hand. Besides this I work at the local nightclub in our town The Young and Restless, which gives me enough money to buy me food for the night.

I am brought back to reality by a knock on the door of the back room. "What?" I asked in a low tone.

"You're up in 5 Night Ryder." The guy said I could just hear the fear in his voice even through the door. Oh and also I go by the alias of Night Ryder here and may or may not have taken some inspiration from Flynn Ryder (tangled) but I mean come on that name was really cool.

I skip on taking the knife with me. Usually I only have it on for extreme cases which are when the other has one too, but tonight I'm fighting a relatively new guy so chances are less. As I go around the corner I can see the guy is already in the ring. He looks to be about 6 feet, maybe an inch or two more, he has a good posture and is alert even before the fight. This one might be a tough one.

I get in the ring, shake my hands with him and take my position. As I analyse him trying to find the weak point that will get me the win. Feet planted at a good distance, back in a posture, hands blocking the face properly but.... Aha the face. I can see how eager he is. Big mistake. He probably wanted to show the others that he can beat me the fastest, proving him better than the rest. That is perfect, knowing people like that, he will definitely make the first move and let his guard down in the fight, probably to taunt me. Just then the bell rings and we start circling each other.

Let the fight begin! (The song in the second slide is perfect for this scene!!)

Just like I suspected he takes the first shot and lunges towards me I easily duck and turn around punching in the side as he stumbles back, then I roundhouse kick him which sends him straight to the ground as blood drips from his mouth. I like to see them bleed out like that. I stand back while he tries to stand up again. And then we start again with him trying to punch and me getting away, while I punch and get him perfectly. By now he is a little out of breath and getting very agitated, I expect him to try and punch me but he takes me by surprise as he roundhouse kicks me in the face and sends me stumbling back. Fuck!! That is definitely going to bruise. That's it. I am done playing nice.

The only reason the match stretched out till this long was because the owner asked me to stall. People get bored if I win in literally two moves but this guy got me in the face. I have a job after this and people might see it. I waste no time in lunging at him and punching him in the gut, as he doubles over in pain I knee him in the face and hear the satisfying crack. Lastly I punch him again in the face with so much force that he is out cold. And I leave the ring with a psychotic smirk on my face.

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