Chapter 33 🌲

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"Emmett! Where are we going? EMMETT LOOK OUT FOR THE CHILD OH MY -" Athena yelled from the back seat. Emmett drove even crazier than Edward did, missing the yellow lines on the road as they drove past a park, a little boy who appeared to be around 6 ran behind a bright red ball.

Emmett boomed a deep laugh as he dodged the boy just in time, making Athena let out a breath of relief. 

"You worry too much, and if I did hit the little boy, I mean that would help about over population wouldn't it!?" Emmett looked back at Athena for her approval. Athena shook her head with a chuckle and looked out the window. It was a nice day, the rain was gone for once. She lay her head back, allowing the warmth of the evening sun to shine down on her face. 

"Emmett, you still haven't told me where were going." Athena mentioned after a moment of silence, looking down at the outfit Alice had decided for her today. She wore a white fancy looking dress with a corset like torso. A beautiful flower rested on her hip, many layers of delicate material hanging right below, a pair of beige heels hidden beneath it all. Her hair wasn't straightened like it was every other day, instead it was flowing down her back in its natural curly state. 

She wasn't complaining of course, she loved the outfit very much, but in her eyes it was a little too much for wherever they were going.

"You're so impatient damn- oh look sweetie were here!" Emmett exclaimed in a high pitched tone. Athena rolled her eyes and punched his arm before looking out the window once more. They were parked in front of a forest. Athena spotted the start of a small trail, the rest of it hidden within the forest. 

"Why are we here?" Athena questioned Emmett.

"Go find out!" Emmett waved at the trail with his hand once.

"Fine." Athena opened the car door and closed it shut behind. 

As Athena began heading towards the forest, holding her dress up, she turned right around and back to the car. Opening the passenger door, Athena rested her foot on the floor below the seat as she removed both the heels she wore. Handing them to a confused Emmett, she gave him a death stare. 

"Don't you even dream of telling Alice or i'll personally kill you. Understand?" Athena threatened. Emmett nodded.

"Yes ma'am."


Athena shut the door once again, picked up her dress and entered the forest barefoot. It wasn't like she was about to walk through a forest in heels!

A few minutes later,  Athena spotted a cute daisy flower field. It was truly mesmerizing, she would spend all day just laying there if she could, it was like someone had stole it right out of a fairy tale.

Athena smiled as she stepped out of the forest and into the sun, giggling, before running to the center and falling down, her dress spread around her. It felt amazing. 

"Well hello there." A presence beside her suddenly muttered. Athena's eyes shot open in surprise. A small smile replaced the surprised expression on her face once she realized who it was.

"Edward." She whispered with a small smile as she turned her head to face him. Edward cupped her cheek in his hand, kissing her lips softly.

"I want to show you something," Edward rose at a vampire speed, helping Athena up after him. 

He looked her up and down, taking in every detail of her appearance. From the white corset perfectly wrapped around her torso to the fact that she was bare foot. Edward chuckled lightly.

"Does Alice know?" Edward asked. Athena shook her head.

"You know she would kill me if she knew I let those heels in the hands of Emmett," Athena shivered.

Edward took her hand in his, handling it as if it were a fragile glass bird that could break at any moment. Leading her further into the field, they arrived at a small secluded area near the edge of a grassy cliff. There, a checkered picnic blanket was spread, food set over it. And the view... it left her speechless. It would leave anyone speechless.

"Edward- oh its beautiful, I love it!" Athena gushed, pulling Edward behind her as she approached  the picnic holding her dress up with the other hand.

They spent the rest of the afternoon together, enjoying each other's presence with a small talk, a comfortable silence taking over at a few points. Dawn began marking its place above, taking in the perfect view before them. Athena lay on Edward's chest, his arm wrapped securely around her as they gazed up at the starless night.

"We should head back." Edward whispered, turning to look at her.

"I don't want to though. Its too perfect." Athena sighed happily. No one had ever made her feel that way before, it was magical.

Edward smiled and closed his eyes. But as perfect as this moment was, there was something bothering him terribly. The books. Athena had came in and changed everything, yet it didn't stop the predicted van from crashing into Bella. What did that mean? A hollow feeling in him told him he would mess something up and - no. They were made for each other, and he wouldn't let Isabella or anyone get in the way of it. He'd already messed up more than enough.


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