Chapter 2 🌲

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Athena woke up with a quiet groan. She felt strange. Her Killer Whale stuffed animal was missing from beside her, neither her soft satin sheets. It felt like normal cotton, and her eyes shot open in surprise.

To say the least, she hadn't expected to not wake up in her room. However, this room was certainly not hers. Sure, she was in her usual choice of sleep wear, but how had someone moved her in her sleep without her noticing? 

The bed she laid in was big enough for two people to to sleep in with more than enough space. The window was open allowing morning light to stream in, helping her study her surroundings more carefully. There were blue walls around her. There was also a TV right on the wall in front of the bed. One wall was made of glass and she could see many music discs on the walls surrounding her. But her room's walls were white! She could faintly make out the outline of majestic pine trees outside the window. She blinked her eyes. She blinked again. This was so out of place.

Where the am I?  She thought sourly and sat up. Her feet met with the cold floor and she stared right at a door. Curious, she crept closer and opened it just to find a very large bathroom. She tiptoed inside, shutting the marble door behind her and made her way over to the mirror. She must be in a mansion or something of the sort.

Her eyes widened as she noticed dirt on her right side, all the way from her cheek and head down to her feet. Without thinking, she grabbed the towel by the sink, wetted it a bit and then removed the dirt. She used the toilet, thinking 'why not' . After all, she hadn't brought herself there.

Exiting the bathroom she felt confused as she found an expensive looking blue robe by the end of the bed. It looks to expensive to even look at she thought, but she hurriedly put it on and exited the room, after all it was beyond freezing. The house seemed to be large, but for now she simply had no clue what else this unknown place held within its walls.

Quietly, she made her way down the stairs, wondering if she had been partying before she went to bed and had gotten drunk. This had happened before once, and she had somehow ended in her best friend's boyfriend's house. Her friend hadn't taken it well, but she got over it eventually. However, she was pretty sure she had not, considering she hadn't gone to any party since last week  and her work usually kept her busy.

Voices could be faintly heard as she neared what she guessed would be the kitchen one floor down. She let her eyes peek first around the corner and stumbled back at what she saw.

She was going crazy, that had to be the answer! She could swear she had seen two golden eyed, pale people, most likely vampires, or trying to look like vampires. A quite large male and a blonde by his side looked too beautiful to be true. A woman stood with her back towards her with caramel hair and accompanied by a blonde male.

Athena stepped back. "Ouch!" she muttered as she hit something hard. She turned and gaped. 

"No way. I don't believe it," she mumbled, mainly to herself. Someone that fit the description of Edward Cullen stood right in front of her! Though much more handsome than Robert Pattinson, no offense to him. It was Robert Pattinson in the Twilight movies but even more beautiful if that was even possible.

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