Chapter 26 🌲

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Athena woke up early the next morning, heading down to the kitchen where she ate the plate of remaining brownies Esme had cooked and a glass of milk. A few minutes later, they were in Rosalie's red car.

Athena took a breath as she glanced in Edwards direction who was sitting next to her in the back of the car, Rosalie and Emmet in the front, Jasper and Alice in the middle row. They all held a conversation between themselves. They paid no attention to the two in the back.

"Good morning," Athena said in an attempt to begin a conversation with Edward who continued to look out the window, unfazed by the girl sitting beside him.

"Good morning" he responded simply. Athena, smart as she was caught on quickly but took it in a not such a good way.

She nodded once to herself and sighed, looking out her window disappointed. What was going on with him?

The Cullens arrived at the school per usual, but this time Edward hoped off the car, not bothering to hold it open for Athena. With a weird feeling in her stomach, she reached for the door handle before it was pulled open. Jasper held out his hand for her to take.

"Thanks" Athena took her now brother's helping hand who helped pull her up.

"No problem. Do you want to talk about it?" Jasper asked, concerned for his sister.

Athena looked up from her shoes to see Edward walking towards the school quickly as if he walked fast enough he would escape from reality. She gave Jasper a kind smile but shook her head.

"Its strange, Jasper. Only yesterday he kissed me, and now he's acting like nothing happened! Is there something wrong?" Athena asked, worried.

"Edward isn't used to loving anyone in that way. Give him some space for today and let him think about it. He'll realize who you are to him in no time." Jasper smiled at Athena and placed a hand on her shoulder. Alice gave her a warm hug and took Jasper's hand.

"Come when you're ready. Theres no pressure" Alice pecked her cheek before leaving with her mate.

Athena watched as her new siblings walked next to each other, Edward ahead of them. Athena knew it was impossible for Edward to really love her the way she did to him. Maybe it was true... maybe thats how the story went, he could love no other than Isabella Swan and there was nothing she could do about it. But again there was always a chance there could be another possible way the story could get twisted into.

It happened in the blink of an eye. A white van skidded across the slippery winter ice, heading straight to where Bella Swan was standing. Or had been standing. Athena noticed Edward run so fast he was invisible, stopping the van with one hand as he held Bella with the other. This hurt to watch for Athena, yet she knew all he was doing was rescuing her. But why him? Athena shook it off as she walked towards the accident among everyone else.

Wait hadn't this already happened in the book? Alice had saved her by leading her away from the van! That was strange, maybe there was no way of avoiding what happened to Bella, after all it was her story.

Edward snuck quickly and swiftly out of the scene, leaving a stunned Bella behind him. Athena ran to catch up to him, passing the ambulance somebody had called.

"Edward! Why did you do that? You could've exposed us you dip shit!" Rosalie screeched. Edward ignored her and continued walking. Athena stopped her sister by grabbing her arm. Rosalie turned to face her.

"Let me talk to him Rose. You can yell at him later if you'd like." Rosalie agreed, laughing and left with Emmet towards the building.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Athena asked when she realized he was walking in the opposite direction.

"I need to speak with Carlisle." Edward said.

"Oh um.. can we talk?" Athena asked nervously, causing Edward to stop and turn to her.

"About what? Earth is an undercover hell hole to every last atom of every molecule which we are all just living our pointless miserable lives in." 

"Your point being?" Athena questioned him.

"There is absolutely nothing to talk about because it won't affect anything whatsoever if were all going to die in the end and there will be no one there will remember us. People die. Tragically." Edward said. Athena rolled her eyes.

"You know damn well what i'm talking about and you're completely changing the subject!"

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"What happened yesterday?" Athena said and Edward's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean?" 

Edward was one wrong move away from being counted off the Census eternally by Athena.

"Don't play dumb with me Edward, you kissed me and now your'e acting like nothing happened! What the hell is going on?" Athena hissed.

"Nothing is going on Athena, you took that kiss a bit too seriously don't you think? It was just a kiss. Nothing more than that." Edward said.

"Oh." Athena gave him a firm nod before turning away, already 5 minutes late to her first class.

For the rest of the day, Athena dozed out on her classes, either of her siblings having to remind her class was over. At lunch Athena decided it was best if she ate alone, deciding to have her lunch on the table furthest away from people. Edward's words ran through her head non-stop.

Just a kiss

Just a kiss

Just a kiss... nothing more than that.


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