Chapter 3 🌲

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Athena stepped inside her given room and frowned at the sheets inside, but she felt that she could not exactly demand new sheets from the Cullens. They were nice enough to save her and let her stay here. The frown, unfortunately did not go unnoticed by Esme who was one to follow her in.

"Is it not to your liking?" she asked carefully.

"Oh, of course it is! It's just that I'm used to satin. Not to sound snobby or ungrateful or anything, just stating a fact." Athena rushed the words out just to cover her mouth in surprise. She was not used to have outbursts like these either.

"Allow me," Esme said softly. In a minute she disappeared, then all Athena could see was that something was happening to the bed, then when Esme stood beside her again, the sheets had been changed. "Satin. I hope it will feel better," Esme said kindly.

Athena gaped. "Th-thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure," Esme said happily and gave her a quick hug, then exited the room and disappeared.

"They do realize I have to go through school again, right?" she mumbled to herself as she undressed by the bed. Lifting the duvet, she smiled softly as the soft sheets covered her and easily warmed up. A faint breeze and she was aware of another presence. "Who is it?" she grumbled.

"It's Edward."

"What are you doing here?" she asked a bit annoyed, not ready to be stalked.

"We all heard what you said earlier. At least it will make it easier for you to stay here if you join us at school," he pointed out.

"Can I sleep now?"

"Of course" He said but stayed in the room. Athena looked at him.

"You really are as annoying they described you aren't you?" She groaned and covered her head with the soft satin material.

Edward raised a brow to her annoyed tone. She did not seem interested towards any of the vampires in the household, not even himself, and it certainly made a difference. Curious of this human, he made himself comfortable in a chair that was by the glass wall.

"You may not watch me sleep," she hissed, glaring his way. "It's privacy and if you cannot respect that I will personally find a lighter and make you burn to ashes," she threatened.

Booming laughter filled the house and she knew all the vampires in the house had heard her. Soon Carlisle came and made Edward leave, saying he needed his help. However, Athena had the feeling that he literally saved her. Edward gave one last look at the human girl on the bed and stepped out the door, zooming after his adoptive father. She sighed and closed her eyes in a mostly failed attempt to drift off.

Indeed it would be a very long night. She was not sure if she would be able to sleep at all even though her eyes felt heavy. Then after staring out at nothing for a long time she felt her eyes drop and she fell into a dreamless sleep.


"What should we do? " Esme worried as her husband and son came down the stairs.

"I think the best we can do is to allow her to stay as long as is necessary, mean while we can try and help her find out how to solve whatever is happening" Edward said, taking a seat on the couch Esme was in.

The Blonde vampire looked around at them all with a weary look. She rolled her eyes and let out a huff.

"Yes Rosalie?" Carlisle asked the beautiful blond vampire. 

"Well why don't we let her find a place of her own? Surely she can manage I mean-" Rosalie stated. As if on cue, everyone broke out at the same time.

"She can't find a place of her own! She's in a whole different dimension as far as we know!" Alice defended the girl. Jasper nodded in agreement to his mate.

"We can't just kick her out! She has no where to go!" Edward fought in a defiant tone.

"She might get hurt or lost!"Esme worried 

"Yeah cmon Rose! She might even carry your shopping bags instead of me every time!" Emmet boomed jokingly. Rosalie glared at her mate for not agreeing with her and the big vampire held his hands up in mock defeat.

"It might take a while but lets give her some time to settle in, yes?" Carlisle asked his family. The vampires all muttered a yes, Rosalie somewhat reluctantly.

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