Chapter 1 🌲

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The pine trees swayed in the wind. Fog hovered above them, the chirps of birds filled the silence, as a sudden crack echoed through the forest. A lifeless bear falls to the floor, limp. 

Emmett Cullen was first to pounce on the prey. Edward was to quick and dodged through his feet swiftly, tripping him and sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. The warm blood felt amazing as it ran down his throat, filling the bloodless veins under his rock hard skin once again for the smallest fraction of a second. As a drop of the crimson liquid ran down the side of his chin, Edward looked up with a sly smirk, the satisfaction reaching every part of him.

Emmett stared angrily into the triumphant vampire's eyes, fury in his own, and pounced on him. The two rolled through the mud while Jasper stood in the sidelines, waiting for his child like siblings to get it together.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent took over the air. It was a strange yet sweet concoction of dirt and strawberries. Curious, they exchanged a look before following the smell, falling off track to their home. After a short while of speeding through the pines they came upon a figure on a floor. A human.

Yet it wasn't a human. Not the way it seemed. It was clearly a female, long dark hair spread around her. She was a sun tanned light skin, and instantly they noted her inhuman beauty, it was like no other Edward had ever seen, but that didn't apply for Emmett and Jasper; there was nothing more beautiful than their mates in their eyes. 

"I can't smell any blood." Jasper whispered, edging closer to the girl. She wore a pair of sleep shorts and an oversized purple shirt. 

"What is she? She doesn't seem- human." Emmett piped up. Edward stepped forward and shook her shoulder lightly. Maybe she had fallen asleep here for some reason? It seemed strange, but it was the only thing he could think off.

With a groan, the girl sat up with tightly shut eyes, rubbing her head with her hand lightly while holding herself up with the other. She looked up.

With a yelp, she got to her feet with surprising ease, looking back and forth between the three vampires standing before her. Shock rippled through her body, immediately replaced by fear. Why the hell were three fictional characters standing in front of her? 

She was about to speak up when Emmett flicked her forehead, knocking her out once again. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backwards to the floor.

Edward turned to him furiously. "Why did you do that? She's clearly freezing and you knock her out?" he hissed. Jasper shook his head in disappointment and sighed.

"What!? I was just saving her, she looked scared! Maybe she'll know where she is once she wakes up." Emmett said proudly.

"Lets take her to Carlisle. She might freeze to death if we just leave her here." Edward muttered, sending a glare in Emmett's direction.

"You know Rose won't be happy, right?" Emmett asked nervously. Rosalie was the only thing he was afraid of, not even bears.

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