Chapter 32 🌲

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Athena stepped out of the little souvenir shop with a small bag hanging on her right middle finger. Inside she carried a gold necklace for Esme, a ring for Carlisle, a small ballet shoe bracelet for Alice, a beautiful golden necklace with a green gem at its front, a bear key chain for Emmett, and a color changing ring for Jasper. For Edward, she bought the most special thing she could find. A wooden bead bracelet with their initials, AP and EC, embedded in each of the small beads. It was small yet beautiful thing.

"Why don't we head over to La Push now? I told Jacob we would be there by 5:00." Bella said.

"Sure. Ok lets go." Athena said nervously and walked behind Bella to the red truck.

Bella drove to La Push talking about how great of a person Jacob Black was, light hearted and all, but Athena knew better. Once he turned into a wolf in New Moon, it would all change and he would turn into the slobbery 'what about me?' dog he was. 

Pulling up to the small red house Athena recognized as the Black's home, Bella knocked on the door which Billy answered. He was in a wheelchair, examining Athena carefully.

"Hello Billy, is uh, Jacob home?" Bella asked kindly. Billy grunted.

"Hello Bella. Yeah he's in his room. Who's this?" Billy gestured towards Athena who discretely glared at him.

"Oh this is Athena, she's also kinda new at Fork's high. She lives with the-" Bella nearly said something that would not lead to anything good, since none of the Cullen's were allowed in La Push, and she was now one of them so Athena cut her off.

"Yeah nice meeting you Billy, we were just passing by to see if Jacob was able to hang out?" Athena gave Billy the most sophisticated and confident smile she could muster before he narrowed his eyes and rolled his wheelchair away from the door to let them in. He had noticed her uncommon beaut and the fashion in which she carried herself.

"Dad? Is everything all ri- oh hey Bella, where the hell have you been!?" Jacob embraced Bella in a hug.

"Im alright, Jacob, I also want you to meet my friend, Athena. She's kinda new in Forks." Bella said, stepping back so that Jacob and Athena faced each other. A smile immediately slid onto Jacob's kid like face. He was as tall as he had been described.

"Hello Athena! Im Jacob, as you know and I hope we can be good friends." Jacob gave her a bright sincere grin which Athena returned not so sincerely.

"Hello Jacob, its nice meeting you." Shaking hands, they all stood in silence.

"Well, uh why don't we go somewhere? I still have the truck you fixed, Jacob so..." Bella broke the silence with a suggestion.

"Sure!" Jacob cheered.

"Sure." Athena said a bit more brightly. Anything to get out of there with Billy thinking she's suspicious.

They all ended up going to a cozy diner in La Push, Jacob claiming the seat next to Athena immediately , and  constantly attempting to strike up a conversation with her which she some how dodged with an excuse. Bella sat in front of them, laughing along, not realizing how uncomfortable Athena was. 


"I had a great time, Bella, and your dress choice is amazing." Athena said, unbuckling her seatbelt once she had dropped Athena off at the Cullen's mansion. Bella stared at it in awe.

"I had a great time, and your suit is gorgeous too, though I don't think I would fit it as well as you do." Bella laughed. Athena smiled. She wasn't so bad after all.

"See you next week then. Bye!" Athena gave Bella a quick hug before hopping off the car and waving goodbye one last time before walking to the Cullen's home. 

Once she was inside, Edward rushed to her and pulled her into a hug. Athena hugged him around the neck and giggled. She smelled like dog.

"You smell like-" Edward started.

"Dog? Yeah Bella introduced me to Jacob," Edward growled at that.

"Don't worry. He's not a dog yet, besides I thought I told you I was never a team Jacob?" Athena said and he chuckled, hugging her again.

"I missed you," Edward whispered into her ear. Athena pulled back and smiled.

"I missed you too" She gave him a small smile and stepped back, pulling the bracelet out of her pocket and dropping it carefully in his hand which she held up. Edward looked at the fragile item on his hand, one which he would conserve for as long as he lived. Tracing the engraved initials on the tiny beads, he tied it around his wrist before pulling her into a kiss. It was as magical as she had imagined those Disney fairy tale stories to be like. Breathtaking.

Later, she handed out the gifts she had gotten the rest of the family, each one of them thanking her in their own special way. 

"So... can I see what dress you bought?" Alice chirped once Athena had placed the bracelet on her small wrist.

"Actually, its-" Athena began but Alice cut her off.

"Not here! Edward's not supposed to see anything yet!" Alice ushered Athena upstairs with her, Edward rolling his eyes.

"So!" Alice prompted Athena to continue.

"Well, its not a dress actually," Athena said, unzipping the bag. Alice tilted her head.

"What do you mean- oh Athena! That is the most beautiful thing I have seen! I told you green was your color, oh I can't wait for Edward to see you in this!" Alice gushed, feeling the material lovingly. 

"Thank you Alice! Im glad you like it." Athena smiled in satisfaction of Alice's approval.

"I also bought some more clothes," Alice reached into a big bag in the corner of the big closet.

"For what? You already bought me so much yesterday-" Athena shook her head in confusion.

"Oh you'll find that out tomorrow,...."


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