Chapter 25 🌲

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Yet she smiled through the pain. As much as he had hurt her, she couldn't let him know how she felt.

"Yeah" She gave him a forced smile and pulled out the grilled sandwich Esme had cooked up for her.

"Promise me you'll give her a chance?" Edward asked.

"Promise" she smiled a cheery smile. Fuck no she thought bitterly.

3rd Person 

Somehow the two had managed to have a normal conversation, leaving the Bella subject aside. 

"Its getting dark. We should head back" Athena said, looking up into the peaceful starlit night.

"Yeah. How will you transform back?" Edward asked her. Athena furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know. Let me try something." She got off the rock she had been sitting on and lifted herself to sit on the edge of the bank across from Edward. 

"Its beautiful. The outfit i mean. You look amazing too." Edward smiled at her and she returned the smile.

Athena shut her eyes. Detransform? Nothing happened. Maybe I should sound more confident. Detransform she thought, and not a second later her legs began to reappear, her purple fancy  bra disappearing along with it, and her hair going back to its normal dark color, leaving her in the undergarments she had transformed in. Athena would've blushed if she could've as well as Edward.

Gosh this is so embarrassing. At least I was smart enough to keep my underwear on though! Yay me. Athena thought.

"Where did you leave the clothes Alice gave you?" Edward finally said after a small moment of silence.

"I left them somewhere in the forest. Sorry." She admitted sheepishly and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it, here have this." Edward pulled off his black sweatshirt and handed it to her, leaving him in a white button up shirt. Athena took it and quickly pulled it on, not wanting to be in her cloth less condition in front of him any longer.

"Thanks" She gave him a grateful smile and stood up, leaping gracefully to the other side of the bank next to Edward.


"Woah- that was more exhilarating than I thought." Athena said, leaning over with her hands on her knees once Edward had stoped running in front of the Cullen house. He smiled.

"Cmon lets go inside. I don't hear anyone... they must have gone hunting." Edward said and Athena nodded.

They headed inside the house in an uncommonly comfortable silence Edward took a seat on a couch.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Edward asked Athena and she felt a rush of nervousness.

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