Chapter 29 🌲

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Edward rushed to his grey Volvo as soon as Rosalie told him what Athena had done. She had drove away without telling them where she was going, and it was getting dark, plus it was raining harshly.

"Athena why would you do something so reckless?" Edward muttered under his breath. He sped up to the maximum speed, the roads empty. He kept driving and trying to listen to any familiar thoughts, hoping to catch a glimpse of Athenas to help him track her. Edward drove for what felt like hours until he smelt the familiar scent of strawberries. 

Slowing down the car, he spotted Rosalie's car at the side of the road. Athena's bag was still in it. This did not help Edward's worry at all, where had she gone? He let the scent lead him, and soon he spotted a dark figure in the distance, yet clear in his supernatural eyes. It was Athena.

Edward pulled over to where the soaked girl was lying. If he had a heart beat it would have stopped at that moment. He heard only one heart beat coming from Athena, and she was barely breathing. How long had she been here? Edward got off his car faster then was humanly possible and knelt down beside Athena. Her whole face was sickly layered with a slight tint of blue, and it seemed like she had been dipped in a pool. She clearly had been crying for hours. 

Who hurt you?  Edward thought, angry at whoever had hurt his only love.

Edward picked Athena up and nearly jumped. She was almost as cold as he was. Her usual warm skin was replaced by an ice cold one, which made Edward even more desperate. He laid her across the backseat of his car, placing a kiss on her forehead and got onto the driver's seat.


"Edward's coming! And he's with- Athena! Esme somethings wrong with her!" Alice shot up from her seat on the couch when the vision took her thoughts. The Cullens all snapped their heads towards the door as they heard Edward pull up. A presence with slow breathing and concerning heartbeat accompanied him. Not even seconds later Edward was rushing up stairs shouting orders frantically with a passed out Athena in his arms. They all knew something was wrong when Edward started shouting and freaking out.

Edward laid Athena on her soft cushioned bed, placing the green Xanadu covers over her freezing body. Edward sat next to the bed, holding onto her hand tightly, muttering pleads under his cold breath.

Emmett came back with an oversized heating jacket, while Esme brought some extra blankets. Jasper, not knowing what to do, sat on the other side of the bed extremely worried for his sister, still pissed at Edward. Rosalie just glared at her clueless brother, knowing it wasn't the best time to start yelling.

"I think its best if we allow her to rest for tonight. We'll check in with her in the morning." Esme suggested, motioning for the rest to follow her out the door. Edward stayed behind, still holding her hand in his.

"Im so sorry, Athena. You don't deserve this. Any of it." Edward said to the girl on the bed, her eyes closed. It looked as if she were peacefully sleeping and not passed out. 

Through out the night, her breathing improved and her heartbeat sped up, the second one gradually appeared once again. At about 7 in the morning Edward's eyes widened when he noticed her eyes flickering open. He was about to say something when she sat up abruptly and snatched the small garbage bin off the floor beside her bed. She leaned into it and threw up, gasping for air.

"Oh God thats disgusting," Athena muttered, completely oblivious to Edward who was sitting on a stool beside her bed who watched her, amused. She placed the bin back on the floor. Her whole body felt numb and weird, but she found it pretty easy to move. Athena shivered and looked around. Was the window opened? Why was it so cold? 

Realizing she was wearing a big jacket, she felt confused. She shouldn't feel that cold, after all it was a heating jacket! Still dazed, Athena pulled the blanket along with with her and wrapped around her shoulders as she walked to the window to make sure it was closed. And it was. That was weird.

Turning around, Athena yelped and jumped when she saw who was sitting next to her bed.

"Edward! Um i'm sorry you had to see all that-" And then she remembered everything that had happened the previous day. He had hurt her without knowing. Again. He didn't deserve her apologies, he owed them her. 

"Hey what are you doing in here?" Athena asked, annoyed.

"Ive been here all night to make sure you were doing fine." Edward said. 

"Hm. But where are the others? I don't hear them-"

"They all left for school but I stayed behind with you after all you need someone to look after you in this condition. Esme's out in the garden."


"Why did you do that yesterday? You scared us all." Edward whispered with a tone of worry. Athena scoffed and glared at him.

"Isn't it obvious, Edward?" Athena snarled and stood up from the bed, walking over to stand in front of Edward, making him recoil.

"What do you mean? Of course it isn't!" he said puzzled.

"Oh! Of course it isn't! I should've thought of that! Of course it isn't clear as day that I was disappointed when you thought nothing of the damn kiss that meant everything to me, that you fucking started!" Athena yelled, letting out the fury at Edward she had been holding in.

"What does that have to do with what you did though?" Edward asked. Athena threw her head back and laughed, shocking Edward yet it struck him with awe.

"What does it have to do!? I'll tell you what it has to do, Cullen, EVERYTHING. I was the one who kept you sane that day you wanted do suck the burning hell out of the new girl, I was the one who talked to you when you thought of leaving your family! And now I have to go to some stupid Prom dance with Tyler! A boy I don't even like!"

"Athena, why would you even think of going with him, your'e too good for him-" Edward said angrily and grabbed her wrist as she was about to storm out of the room.

"I FUCKING WAITED FOR YOU!" Athena cried, "I rejected everyone who asked me this past week, half the damn school, but your blind ass can't even realize that I only said yes to Tyler because, after all the clues I gave you that you are the one I waited for, you still went to go drool over Bella! But no, that's all it takes for you to get mad at me and make it all about you. Next time just ask me instead of making a huge fuss about it." Athena snatched her wrist off Edward's grip and stepped back, tears of anger sliding down her cheeks. Edward was shocked.

"Why did you wait for me?" He whispered. 

"Because I love you Edward." And that was all it took for Edward to kiss her, but this time, he meant it.


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